Thursday, December 20, 2007

Under-reported Humanitarian Crises List

Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières releases Tenth Annual "Top Ten" Most Underreported Humanitarian Stories of 2007 :-

Displaced Fleeing War in Somalia Face Humanitarian Crisis

Political and Economic Turmoil Sparks Health-Care Crisis in Zimbabwe

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Spreads As New Drugs Go Untested

Expanded Use of Nutrient Dense Ready-to-Use Foods Crucial for Reducing Childhood Malnutrition

Civilians Increasingly Under Fire in Sri Lankan Conflict

Conditions Worsen in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Living Precariously in Colombia’s Conflict Zones

Humanitarian Aid Restricted in Myanmar

Civilians Caught Between Armed Groups in Central African Republic

As Chechen Conflict Ebbs, Critical Humanitarian Needs Still Remain

Indeed , sadly , many of those stories featured on the MSF/DWB 2006 list of under-reported humanitarian crises stories . Some were in even earlier years lists and that only goes to demonstrate that old adage - nothing changes - and we add - capitalism is unable to solve the World's social problems .

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