Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Walmart Robbers

Walmart , owners of ASDA's were likened to 19th Century Mexican dictator .

A Walmart employee who had complained that vouchers handed out by the company as part of its salary payments could only be spent in the company's stores.

The practice of vouchers "that come from the worker's salary only to be exchanged in the management company's establishment is similar to what happened in old company stores (that existed during Diaz's dictatorship)," the court said in its decision.The company stores under Diaz's dictatorship were abolished under the 1917 constitution.

In both cases, "the cost of the respective discounts were absorbed by workers, not bosses," the court said.

Mexican non-governmental organizations last November called for a boycott of Walmart to protest low salaries and working conditions of its employees.Walmart is the largest private employer in Mexico, with 157,000 employees, according to Mexican media.

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