Friday, September 08, 2006

The Party-Line

I see that The Communist Party of Great Britain journal Weekly Worker printed my letter , which spurred a critic of the Socialist Party to reply .

I have no intention of indulging in any polemics with this person since from his own words , anyone with a less jaundiced eye than he , would note that his letter confirms what i wished to say - that we in the SPGB hold dear our democratic principles :-

...that we do permit open debate on our forum without censorship or witch-hunts to seek out party-line heresies

...that we do permit " albeit antagonistic " figures to remain within the same party and don't expel the one or the other in any sort of power struggle , as long as all sides bide by the commonly agreed rules and procedures

...and that , yes , i am quite happy for the politics of the Party to be played out in public , rather than behind closed doors by cliques or inner circles

Decisions on 'correct' political positions are settled by conference and membership referenda , not by the egos of the personalities involved in the arguments .


  1. Aren't disgruntled ex-members great at story telling!

    Is there any point writing to the Weekly Worker outlining the case put for the Production for Use Committee (ie. presenting a positive argument for socialism to augment the critique of capitalism) and that much of this practical socialism arose from the debates with Libertarians over the Economic Calculation Argument and the nature of socialism?

  2. Hi Alan,
    I think Mr Northall used to be in the CPGB, well before he had his stint in our Party. I suspect he's been in other groups as well. Seems to be one of those people whose left hand argues with his right.
    Robert (Carlisle)

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