Saturday, October 21, 2006

Wasted Youth

Reuters report that in America there is more violence from racist skinheads due to a split in their allegiences and the need to prove themselves .
The Hammerskin Nation gang has long dominated the skinhead scene, but in the last two years other gangs like the Outlaw Hammerskins and the Vinlander Social Club have rebelled against them

"The remarkable thing of this rebellion is that it is a rebellion of the ultraviolent against the extremely violent" said Mark Potok , director of the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project, which is based in Montgomery, Alabama, and has tracked far-right groups for decades.

And from all accounts in Eastern Europe and the ex - republics of Russia , the same phenomenon of dis-affected fascist youth is also on the rise .

And , of course , in Germany neo-nazi's are re-surfacing

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