Thursday, January 25, 2007

Organise and resist

In our companion blog Socialist Courier we have referred to Standard Life's proposals to downgrade the pension rights of its existing workers . Today , the Herald has an update on how it is now being resisted .

Six hundred employees of the non-unionised Standard Life attended packed meetings in Edinburgh yesterday organised by trade union Amicus which pledged to fight plans to cut pension rights.

It displays the need for workers to organise independently in real trade unions and not to rely on those phony docile staff associations that Standard Life management prefer to represent its employees and manipulate .

And here is example of the standard of Standard Life's bosses . Trevor Matthews , its chief executive , has been forced to apologise for racist language .

When asked why those proposals for pension cuts were buried in a one sentenced reference on Page 126 of the De-Mutualisation prospectus , Mr Matthews said: "That's the n****r in the woodpile." A formal complaint was made to the company, understood to be from a white member of staff who has a black spouse.

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