Thursday, November 08, 2007

Homes Fit For Heroes

More than 25 percent of the homeless population in the United States are military veterans, although they represent only 11 percent of the civilian adult population .

On any given night last year, nearly 196,000 veterans slept on the street, in a shelter or in transitional housing, the study by the Homelessness Research Institute found. About 44,000 to 64,000 veterans are classified as "chronically homeless" -- homeless for long periods or repeatedly. Other veterans -- nearly 468,000 -- are experiencing "severe housing cost burden," or paying more than half their income for housing, thereby putting them at a high risk for homelessness.

Some veterans find themselves in a catch-22, not able to find a job because of the lack of an apartment, and not being able to get an apartment because of not having a job .

Fight and die for YOUR country , indeed .

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