Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The REAL price of food

About 450,000 Cambodian students will become the latest victims of soaring global food prices. But by the end of the month, they will no longer get free breakfast from the U.N. World Food Program. Five local suppliers have defaulted on contracts to provide rice because they can get a higher price elsewhere, program officials say.

In Burundi, Kenya and Zambia, hundreds of thousands of people face cuts in food rations after June.
In Iraq, 500,000 recipients will likely lose food aid.
In Yemen, it's 320,000 households, including children and the sick.

Mercy Corps will likely distribute 20 percent less food to Iraqi refugees in Syria and serve 12 percent fewer Colombian families fleeing violence in the countryside.
World Vision may stop helping 1.5 million people — nearly a quarter of the number it serves — because of rising food prices . At least a third are children.

1 comment:

  1. I teach high school math and am looking to infuse the content with social justice. Do you know of good sites where kids can lots of or specific data on global food distribution?
