Friday, August 05, 2011


A recent study is claiming that the 2010 U.S. dietary nutritional guidelines has made it more difficult for Americans to afford healthy food. The study found that for potassium alone, raising the average person's intake (2,800 mg) to the recommended daily value (3,500 mg) would cost the consumer about $380 more per year.

Lead researcher in the study, Pablo Monsivais of the Department of Epidemiology and the School of Public Healthy at the University of Washington, said that an alarmingly large portions of Americans can not afford salmon, greens and rice that the government suggests.

Hilary Seligman, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Calilfornia, San Francisco said she agrees with the study ”Almost 15% of households in American say they don’t have enough money to eat the way they want to eat.”

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