Saturday, May 26, 2012

free from ads

The Hopper digital video recorder "auto hop" feature allowed viewers to completely skip over adverts that interrupted shows they had recorded. US TV broadcasters, Fox, NBC and CBS, have sued the maker of the device in a bid to ensure viewers see ads.

 The networks fear that if viewers choose not to see ads their main source of revenue will dry up. They allege that the ad hopping is illegal because it involves the gadget making an unauthorised version of a copyrighted TV show.

But its not really a battle for copyright freedom but a contract negotiating ploy.  Dish which wants to pay less to air shows from large broadcasters. "This is about programming costs. Dish is saying, if you want to charge me up to the wazoo, we will disable commercials. But if you charge us less, we can disable the feature."

1 comment:

  1. This is very interesting information. I personally think (like a lot of other customers I'm sure) that Auto Hop is an awesome feature! It's something I've been waiting for, for a long time as a DVR junkie, especially since most of my favorite shows are those that record with PrimeTime Anytime. I used to have a problem getting to work at Dish late, because I'd watch a 60 minute show while getting ready, but now that I can use Auto Hop, I don't have that problem anymore. I can watch an hour show, commercial free, now in 40 and use that extra time to make it to work promptly! :)
