Friday, August 24, 2012

class war

The workers’ only real bargaining power is their ability to stop production. Capital can create nothing without workers – labour creates all wealth. And to do this, workers must fight as a class. Class solidarity means that no scabs are allowed to cross picket lines, and it means blacking goods and products. When class solidarity was solid, it was difficult to defeat the workers. Class solidarity gained workers real social power in the workplace and in society. However, capitalism cannot function unless it subdues workers, so the employers close ranks and build their own class solidarity which is backed by the power of the State.  Employers can use parliament and the judiciary against workers because the capitalist State always has, and always will, serve the capitalist class, until the day that the working class capture the machinery of the State.

There can be no common interest between bosses and workers, only war. The power of workers lies in their ability to stop production. If they don’t use this power, they have nothing with which to bargain. Workers must unite as a class and disregard the boundaries of job type, work-place and industry. Workers must go beyond the boss’s rules. When workers challenge the employers’ right to dictate what happens in the work-place, they challenge capitalism itself. Workers must also challenge and work around the laws laid down by the State.

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