Tuesday, September 24, 2013

France V UK

Ever reluctant to engage in holier than thou arguments, i did, nevertheless come across this comparison between the UK and France which makes good reading.

Risk of Poverty

Fr:  15.8%         UK:  25.7%

Child Poverty

Fr: 7.9%            UK: 19.6%

Poverty Rate Overall

France: 7.8%   UK: 14%

Population Below Median Income

Fr: 8%      UK: 12.5%

GINI Coefficient

Fr:  .293       UK:  .345

The GINI coefficient measures the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for example levels of income). A Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality, where all values are the same (for example, where everyone has an exactly equal income).

France’s health system is ranked no. 1 by the W.H.O.; the UK is ranked no. 18 France spends markedly more on health care than does the United Kingdom

Health Care Spending

Fr: $2,239 per capita                                           UK: $1,764 per capita

It shows in these statistics.

Life expectancy at 65:

Fr:  21.4                            UK: 19.7


Fr: 9.4%                               UK: 23%

Heart Disease Deaths per 100,000 people

Fr: 39.8        UK: 122

Hospital Beds per 1,000 people

Fr: 8.4           UK: 4.1

Practicing Physicians per 100,000

Fr: 310           UK: 270


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