Friday, January 23, 2015

Philanthropy Plans

Worldwide child deaths will be halved over the next 15 years. By 2030, only one in 40 will die that early thanks to healthier childcare practices such as breastfeeding, better sanitation and vaccines.  Polio, guinea worm and river blindness will be eradicated, and there will be a single-dose cure for malaria with the help of donated drugs, such as those distributed free to 800 million people last year. By 2030 Africa will be able to feed itself rather than depend on food imports. Farmers in Africa will have access to better fertilizer and to drought- and disease-resistant crops, allowing yields to double.

At least that is what the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation believe. Mailstrom would be being mean-spirited if we too didn’t hope they indeed succeed. But reality makes us question the fulfilment of that ambition ...the path to hell is paved with good intentions...

However, none of this will be achieved easily. “You need some breakthroughs,” Melinda Gates said in an interview in a wonderful expression of understatement

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