Saturday, June 20, 2015

Take your cut (music video)

Take your Cut 

We're all in this together, 
and there's a bill that must get paid. 
We can fix this mess, together, 
if you just do what we say 

Take your cut. 

We're in this mess one nation, 
the nice folk and the rest. 
Each of us to their station; 
society or pest. 

Take your cut. 

Blame it all on the shirkers, 
those who lay behind their blinds. 
They betray the toil of the workers, 
it weighs on our beautiful minds. 

Take your cut. 

We are the same as you, 
yet we are not the same 

Take your cut. 

You can blame it all on the shirkers, 
those you lay behind their blinds. 
They betray the toil of the workers, 
it weighs heavy on our beautiful minds. 
And the pain you bear, 
though we won't be there, 
weighs heavily. 

Take your cut.

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