Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Capitalism - It's certainly not for kids

The BBC features a story on a UNICEF report that the UK comes bottom of a league table for child well-being across 21 industrial countries and that according to Unicef UK executive director David Bull all the countries had weaknesses that needed to be addressed.

The Children's Commissioner for England, Professor Sir Al Aynsley-Green stated "...I think the shocking conclusion is that as a nation we have been failing our children and young people."

Colette Marshall, UK director of Save the Children, said "This report shows clearly that despite the UK's wealth, we are failing to give children the best possible start in life...The UK government is not investing enough in the well-being of children, especially to combat poverty and deprivation."

The Children's Society's chief executive Bob Reitemeier said "Unicef's report is a wake-up call to the fact that, despite being a rich country, the UK is failing children and young people..."

UK child poverty has doubled since 1979
Children living in homes earning less than half national average wage - 16%
Children rating their peers as "kind and helpful" - 43%
Families eating a meal together "several times" a week - 66%
Children who admit being drunk on two or more occasions - 31%

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