Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The New Tsars

From the Independent i read Roman Abramovich has been dethroned as Russia's wealthiest individual for the first time since rich lists began. He has been replaced by Oleg Deripaska , a controversial oligarch who controls much of the world's aluminium production and owns a £25m house in Belgravia, London.

According to a rich list published by Finans magazine, Mr Deripaska is worth $21.2bn (£10.9bn), making him Russia's richest man. Mr Abramovich has the next spot, with $21bn.

Mr Deripaska enjoys a reputation as the hard man of the infamously ruthless metals business . It is claimed that he had made his fortune from "physical force, bribery and extortion".
Mr Deripaska enjoys excellent relations with President Vladimir Putin and Russia's political elite in general

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