Home Secretary Theresa May said disruption from [occupy] protests was one of the biggest threats to the Olympics which begin in July and wants London 2012 organisers (LOCOG) to use "all available" powers to remove equipment and encampments, rapidly backed up by police.
Ground-to-air missiles will be deployed to protect the London Olympics. The MoD has offered 3,000 soldiers, and another 2,000 in reserve
Apart from 21,000 UK security , USA will be deploying a 1000 of their own men.
The security budget currently stands at £600 million but the overall spend could total more than £1.1billion.
"Hundreds of soldiers from 3rd battalion The Parachute Regiment spent last week learning how to contain and arrest "rioters" in a series of exercises mirroring last summers violence. Defence sources have confirmed that if violence were to return to British cities, especially during the Olympic Games, the Paras would be "ideally placed" to provide "short-term" support to police forces"
"As well as 3 Para, the Army has another unit known as the "Public Order Battalion", also trained to deal with rioting, bringing the total number of troops to around 1500."
Crowd control - Derry, 30 January 1972
War crimes 3rd Para in Falklands
Alison Saunders who is in charge of the Crown Prosecution Service in London said they have been doing trials of live links to court – where police officers give evidence from their police stations, rather than having to go to court to give evidence.
They have also been using video links between police stations and courts so suspects do not have to be transferred for first appearances.
Both should be ready for use during the Olympics should there be any trouble, Saunders said.
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