More on this racist onslaught on the Australian Aboriginal peoples and what is perhaps the real motive behind the undeage sex abuse scandals .
Was it an all-Aborigine problem ? One of the cases referred to in the report is an account of local police officers turning a blind eye to a “rampant informal sex trade” between young Aboriginal girls and non-Aboriginal workers from an unnamed mining company. Another case, which is currently facing the courts, involves a non-Aboriginal health worker who is assumed to have exchanged goods, drugs and attention to a number of local children for sex. The inquiry was told that a non-Aboriginal man took young Aboriginal girls from a remote community to Darwin where he traded sex with them for drugs. In onother town a non-Aboriginal man gave cannabis to young girls in return for them being taped doing sexual acts. The victims' hairs were tipped blond so they could be identified as "his girls". One community claimed that it took seven years before a known child-sex offender was arrested. "Because of the perception that he got away with it because he was white..."
Nor could all the sex abuse be classed as abuse . The inquiry was told that a high rate of sexually transmitted infections in teenagers aged between 12 and 16, and a high rate of teenage pregnancy, could be "attributed to the high rate of consensual sex between children".
So has there been another reason for the military occupation of aborginal land ?
Aborigines in the Northern Territory will be given the opportunity to buy their own homes when the federal Government's emergency intervention ends in five years Indigenous Affairs Minister Mal Brough said .
Indigenous people in Territory communities need not return to communal title -- the existing system under which all land is jointly owned by the local community. They would instead be given the chance to buy their homes on 99-year leases. The requirement for non-residents to obtain permits to enter public areas of indigenous communities was also lifted . The mining industry also yesterday agreed to expand a work and housing program for indigenous communities, jointly funded with the commonwealth, as part of the plan.
Former Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islnder Commission chairwoman Lowitja O'Donoghue said the move would force indigenous people to sign up to 99-year leases thinking it is the only way to obtain tenure over their properties.
"People will sign up thinking it's the only way to get better housing," she said. "They are trying to pull the wool over our eyes and the people in our community ... it is about a land grab ... eventually we will lose all our community title."
Ms Turner , a former head of the now defunct Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission and a former senior official in the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, said “That's why the Prime Minister called it a national emergency. Because in the national interest he can move on the Northern Territory land rights Act. We are not stupid, we didn't come down in the last shower,” she said.
Asked why the PM would want the land she said: “For future development purposes and for Aboriginal ownership of housing on Aboriginal land which is absolutely totally ridden with problems. It hasn’t worked in America, it has not worked on Indian land and it will not work here.”
A United Nations expert has warned that the federal laws overhauling land rights in the Northern Territory are unwise and unworkable. The UN Special Rapporteur on adequate housing Miloon Kothari says the laws could be unworkable. Mr Kothari, says the move is unwise. "I'm quite sure that it's not going to work," he said. Mr Kothari said home ownership arrangements for non-indigenous Australians were not necessarily suitable. "I think you have larger issues of self-determination, you have issues of community title, land titling, you have issues of just the sheer lack of family or community resources to be able to engage in the housing market," he said.
It’s been 0nly 40 years since the Australian Aboriginals were first recognized as official human beings – going from the ‘flora and fauna’ of Australia to it’s inhabitants now capitalism is indeed intent on co-opting the Australian Aborigines into the private property system and destroy whatever is still surviving of their ancient communist communal society .
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