MAILSTROM "I have no country to fight for; my country is the Earth, and I am a citizen of the World." - Eugene V. Debs
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Indian Women and Domestic Violence
A 2006 government survey, the last time the state collected
comprehensive household data, stated that 40 percent of Indian women faced
domestic violence. Considering that women comprise over 48 percent of India’s
population of 1.2 billion people, this means that hundreds of millions of
people are living a nightmare in what is considered the world’s largest
However many experts believe that a 2003 survey conducted by
a non-profit and supported by the Planning Commission of India that threw up a
figure of 84 percent paints a more accurate picture.
“It tells us that many cases are going unreported,” says
Rashmi Anand, a domestic violence survivor who runs a free legal aid and
counseling service for victims in the capital, New Delhi, in collaboration with
the police. Interestingly, figures for domestic violence reported in crime
statistics in many states are significantly higher than those that find their
way into national-level databases.
In a 2013 study by the New Delhi-based think tank National
Council for Applied Economic Research, over half of the married women surveyed
said that they would be beaten up for going out of the house without permission
(54 percent); not cooking properly (35 percent) and inadequate dowry payments
(36 percent). Indian law bans dowry, but the practice remains widespread.
A 2014 report in Population and Development Review, a peer
reviewed journal, shows that women who are more educated than their husbands
are at higher risk of domestic violence as men see in it a way to re-assert
their power and control over their wives.
The last government study done in 2006, the National Family
Health Survey (NFHS), revealed that over 51 percent of Indian men didn’t think
it wrong to assault their wives. More shockingly, 54 percent of the women
themselves felt such violence was justified on certain grounds.
The fight for land in Brasil
In Brazil, one of the countries with the highest
concentration of land ownership in the world, some 200,000 peasant farmers
still have no plot of their own to farm. Social movements had hoped that
Rousseff, who belongs to the left-wing Workers’ Party like her predecessor Luiz
Inácio Lula da Silva, would take up the banner of democratisation of land
ownership. But her government’s economic policies have focused on incentives
for agribusiness and agro-industry, mining and major infrastructure projects.
“There was a fall in the numbers of new rural settlements
and of land titling in indigenous territories and ‘quilombos’ (communities of
the descendants of African slaves), while on the other hand, investment in
agribusiness and agro-industry grew,” said Isolete Wichinieski of the Brazilian
Pastoral Land Commission (CPT), a church-based organization. The conflict over
land has intensified, according to the CPT, with the expansion of livestock-raising
and monoculture farming of soy, sugarcane, maize and cotton, and growing
speculation by large landowners with close ties to politicians.
According to the CPT report, during the first Rousseff
administration (2011-2014), 103,746 families were granted land under the
government’s agrarian reform programme. But that figure is actually misleading,
because in 73 percent of the cases, the land settlement process was already in
progress before the president took office, and the families had already been
counted in previous years. If only the new families settled on plots of their
own during Rousseff’s first administration are counted, the total shrinks to
28,000. The government reported that in 2014 it regularised the situation of
just 6,289 families – a number considered insignificant by the CPT. In order
for land reform to be effective, the CPT argues, more settlements must be
created and the concentration of rural property ownership must be reduced in
this country of 202 million people. But the organisation does not believe
Rousseff is moving in that direction. Agrarian reform was not on the agenda of
the campaign that led to the president’s reelection in October, and the new
government includes names from the powerful rural caucus in Congress, which
represents agribusiness and agro-industry.
The agriculture minister is former senator Kátia Abreu, the
president of the National Confederation of Agriculture. She surprised people
when she stated in an interview that there are no “latifundium” or large landed
estates in Brazil.
“Abreu has backwards, outdated views of agriculture,”
complained Wichinieski. “She denies that there is forced labour in the
countryside, she isn’t worried about preserving the environment, and she argues
in favour of the intensive use of agrochemicals in food production.”
One example is the case of the 20,000-hectare Agropecuaria
Santa Mônica estate, 150 km from the national capital, Brasilia, in the state
of Goiás, part of which has been occupied by families belonging to the MST. The
property belongs to Senator Eunício Oliveira, considered the wealthiest
candidate for governor in Brazil in the last elections. In the Senate, Oliveira
heads the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, Rousseff’s main ally in
Congress. He served as communications minister under Lula in 2004-2005 and last
year lost the elections for governor of the state of Ceará. Valdir Misnerovicz,
one of the leaders of the MST, told IPS that the estate is unproductive and
that its only purpose at this time is land speculation. Strategically located
between the municipalities of Alexânia, Abadiânia and Corumbá, Santa Mônica
represents the largest land occupation by the MST in the last 15 years. It all
started on Aug. 31, when 3,000 families marched on foot and in 1,800 vehicles
to the estate, part of which they occupied. Since then, more than 2,000 men,
women, children and elderly persons have been living in a camp and control 400
hectares of the estate. They are determined to win a portion of the land to
farm. In November, a court ruled that Oliveira has the right to recover the
Friday, February 27, 2015
The Disgrace of the Gaza Blockade
Reconstructing Gaza could take an entire century, if Israel
doesn’t stop the siege, Oxfam warned. And that’s just the time frame for
essential projects. The NGO’s regional director calls the situation
“Only an end to the blockade of Gaza will ensure that people
can rebuild their lives,” Regional Director Catherine Essoyan said. With it in
place, the flow of construction materials in and agricultural produce out is
having a crippling effect on the lives of Palestinians. According to the NGO,
new figures reveal a drop last month in construction materials, which are vital
to the efforts. "Less than 0.25 percent of the truckloads of essential
construction materials needed have entered Gaza in the past three months,"
the statement also said. In pure figures, over 800,000 truckloads of such
materials are still required to repair the infrastructure damaged in last
summer’s operation alone.
About 100,000 of these people still live in shelters and
other makeshift or temporary accommodation because of this lack of materials. Tens
of thousands more are living in badly damaged homes.
“Families have been living in homes without roofs, walls or
windows for the past six months. Many have just six hours of electricity a day
and are without running water. Every day that people are unable to build is
putting more lives at risk. It is utterly deplorable that the international
community is once again failing the people of Gaza when they need it most,”
Essoyan continues. A further problem concerns food. “Exports of agricultural
produce from Gaza have fallen in the last year to just 2.7 percent of the level
before the blockade was imposed. Fishermen are still restricted to an enforced
fishing limit of 6 nautical miles – far short of where most fish are – farmers
are restricted from accessing much of the most fertile farmland.”
Thursday, February 26, 2015
As others see us
Amnesty International noted the rise of discriminatory,
nationalistic policies in Britain. It warned “nationalist, thinly veiled
xenophobic attitudes” were instrumental in an increasingly restrictive
migration policy and anti-EU rhetoric, which targets human rights. "The UK is
leading the charge against basic human rights." its annual report stated.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
By Richard Montague
Who invented the
wheel? Was it the person who first discerned that a tree trunk, shorn of its
branches, would facilitate the movement of other branchless tree trunks? Or was
it the person who conceived of an axle carrying at either end circular pieces
cut from a tree trunk? Or was it... ?
It was, of course,
all those who contributed to the primitive discovery and the subsequent
evolutionary refinement of the wheel we now know it in all its diverse forms.
That is the way with all ideas and it is something that one side was anxious to
avoid during the lengthy legal battle over GIS.
Originally there
were seven people involved in the claim to the discovery of what has come to be
known as GIS or General Immunity Serum. Three were medical doctors two of whom
had been engaged in research work at the Brussels laboratories of Ziglap
International and one who had been employed in a research capacity by Kwelph
Medical in their Zurich headquarters, Two were research chemists both of whom
had, at different times, been employed by Ziglap and by Kwelph. A sixth man,
Ernest Kroller, later said to be the brains behind what the papers presented as
a monumental piece of fraud and industrial espionage, had no obvious direct
connection with the venture while the seventh man was a laboratory assistant
who was employed by the other six and not, therefore, directly involved with
the alleged scam.
The not-so-good news
A study, based on figures by the Office for Budgetary
Responsibility warns that on current trends:
The number of children in poverty in Britain will rise by
1.2 million by 2030
The income of high income households will rise 11 times
faster than low income ones over the next 15 years. The real disposable income
of middle income households will rise by 9 per cent but that of low income
groups by only two per cent.
The total number of people who would be living in poverty
would rise from 10.2m to 13.8m by 2030 meaning that one in five would then be
below the poverty line.
The number of poor pensioners would rise from 1.95m to 2.59m.
The number of lone parent households living in poverty would
grow from 463,000 to 1.08m.
The number of “poor” in-work households rising from 1.7m to
Andrew Harrop, co-author of the report said: “The picture of
Britain painted by this report is hard to stomach. Our projections show that
poorer families will see their incomes frozen for the next 15 years, even if
the economy does well. The numbers in poverty will rise and many more families
will find themselves unable to make ends meet. Emergency food banks would move
from being a temporary phenomenon of the economic crisis to an entrenched
feature of British life.”
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Qatar Wage Slavery
The exploitative working conditions of migrants in Qatar that the Qatar-based AlJazeera television seem reluctant to look out their windows and see
Monday, February 23, 2015
It is time to draw some lessons from the past and apply them
now. One of the most important lessons concerns class and how many workers fail
to act in their own interest. People increasingly appreciate that capitalism is
the key problem of our time, but they see no solution that can overcome the
limits of the present political discourse.
Ed Miliband not our friend. He is not our ally. He is not
fighting for us. If there are two people and the first one of them is openly
hostile, abuses you at every turn and is obviously working for interests
diametrically opposed to your own, you would have to be crazy to consider them
a friend. But if the other person keeps telling you that they are on your side,
sympathises about how awful the first person is being, and says you should
trust them instead – while all the while they are pursuing interests just as
opposed to yours and will proceed to stab you in the back at the first
opportunity – then who is your real friend? Neither of them is the answer, of
course, though we can say that you are less likely to be deceived by the openly
hostile one. The function performed by the Labour Party is always to appear as
the benign friend to the workers in distinction to the “wicked” Tories. Hoping
that the Labour Party will behave differently is an unrealistic – indeed
utopian – expectation.
If our goal is the eradication of capitalism, then
supporting the Labour Party is just completely delusional. The object of
socialists is to assist in the emancipation of the workers from its enslavement
to the capitalist class. To those who support the Labour Party we would appeal
to reconsider their position. What does its boasted achievements amount to
after all? With many on the Left calling for the re-formation of a Labour
party, members of the Socialist Party ask "why bother?" In office and out, Labour is a party for
capitalism. It is a party that has regularly and routinely acted against the
working class. Yet we are constantly told not to give up hope. Every time an
election comes round the different left wing groups tell us to vote Labour. Can
Labour be changed? We think that its history proves the impossibility of
changing Labour. Labour long ago gave up any pretence at wanting to get rid of
The Labour Party has always tried to make capitalism work
for the people. And every time that it has been in office, it has failed
miserably to do so. The reason Labour – and indeed the Tories who also talk of
a “people’s capitalism” – fail to make capitalism work for the people is that
this is an impossible mission. Capitalism just cannot be made to work in the
interest of all. It is a profit-making system that can only work as such, in
the interest of those who live off profits.
The Labour Party has failed, so let’s start a new one.
That’s what some trade unionists and lef-twingers are saying. But why? Surely
one of the lessons we have learned has been that Labourism is a dead end. It
can’t succeed. Not because its leaders are insincere or incompetent or corrupt
or not resolute enough. It fails because it sets itself the impossible mission
of trying to gradually reform capitalism into socialism. This can’t be done, as
experience, not just theoretical understanding, has confirmed. The last thing
that is needed today is a non-socialist, trade-union based “Labour” party. We
have seen the past and it doesn’t work.
The Labour Party are simply a party of capitalist
maintenance, with objectives of some form of new society being not just shunted
into the background but completely out of existence. They are now more
dedicated than ever to running with optimal efficiency the very system that
creates poverty, misery, homelessness and war. As for those old Labourites who
blame all on the mistakes of the past and present on certain leaders, this
simply adds to the argument against leadership. In any case, the leader as a
individual is irrelevant. Knocking one leader out of office and replacing them
with another won’t change the system, and it’s the system that all attention
should be focused on if we desire a radical change in the way we live. Trading
one group of pro-capitalist apologists and careerist politicians for another
can never be the answer. Changing society’s economic structure is the answer.
Labour Party reformists prefer to define class in terms of
the unequal social distributions of wealth (rich versus poor) and/or power
(rulers versus ruled) so they devote their efforts to equalise wealth disparity
and democratise power. But they are blind to the most important aspect of class.
This definition focuses precisely on production, on who produces and who gets
the surplus, that is, the inequality separating those who produce the surplus
value in society from those who take and live off the surplus value they did
not help to produce. In slave systems of production, masters exploit slaves. In
feudalism, lords exploit serfs. In capitalism, employers exploit workers. In
the former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc, state officials or party
functionaries displaced private individuals (boards of directors elected by
shareholders) as corporate employers. Yet by occupying precisely that position,
state officials likewise exploit workers, hence the term, "state
capitalism." Ending exploitation means changing and transforming social
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Workers United - Join The Union
Conservatives love to trash unions by saying they’re corrupt
and do nothing but damage the economy. However, the progressive Economic Policy
Institute put together a chart using data compiled from the U.S. Census Bureau.
The EPI illustrated a strong correlation between the dwindling number of union
membership and income inequality. Union membership is now at its lowest since
1936, with only 11 percent of American workers being union members. As
membership increased after 1936 during the Great Depression, peaking at 33.4
percent in 1945 and staying about the same until 1960, the top 10 percent’s
share of wealth fell. At a height of 46.3 percent in 1932, the share of wealth
held by the richest tenth fell to 31.5 percent by 1944, remaining stable till
about 1980. As union membership steadily declined after 1980, the wealthiest
Americans saw their share of riches surge.
Wielding the threat of strikes and work slowdowns, organized labor
helped generations of Americans. The main way that unions helped workers get better
pay was because unions gave those workers a louder voice in politics. Unions exerted
considerable political clout, sustaining other political and economic choices
(minimum wage, job-based health benefits, Social Security, high marginal tax
rates, etc.) that dampened inequality. With unions, there really is power in
numbers. American workers used unions to have their voices effectively heard by
those in Washington. Now that union membership is at a near-all-time low,
American workers aren’t being heard.
But things are changing.
But things are changing.
After years of avoiding confrontation, the labor movement is
reasserting itself. From the ports of Los Angeles to the car plants of Detroit,
unions are saying it is payback time. Since
2009, management compensation has grown about 50 per cent faster than union
workers’ income. In the auto industry, real wages have declined 24pc since
2003, according to the Centre for Automotive Research.
Oil workers have walked off the job for higher wages and
better working conditions. Dock workers have snarled West Coast ports.
Personnel staffing oil terminals at the Port of Long Beach, California, are
threatening to strike. In Detroit, union leaders girding for contract talks
this year will push for the first raise veteran autoworkers have received in a
decade. Union leaders are taking advantage of a tightening labour market and
favourable political environment. With wages stagnating and the rich getting
richer, income inequality has become a rallying cry.
“Employers seem to think that they can push unions, the
roots of the American working class, off a cliff,” said Dave Campbell, whose
union local represents oil-terminal workers at the Port of Long Beach. “Well,
these corporations have made a significant miscalculation in our ability to
fight back. There’s a lot of labour strife now, and they could have a major
confrontation on their hands.”
Pat Patterson, 60, is on strike for the first time in 35
years working as a pipefitter at Tesoro Corp’s refinery in Carson, California.
Patterson said his union helped the company survive the recession and now
should share the wealth it has since accumulated. “Their whole driver is
greed,” he said. “Tesoro is making record profits. There’s more profit, and
they don’t want to share it with the workers.”
Fly the Red Flag
Palestine a capitalist society with an especially great
divide between rich and poor, but the rich are intimately tied to Israeli and
international capital. As Ali Abunimah documents in The Battle for Justice in
Palestine, “a small Palestinian elite has continued to enrich itself by
deepening its political, economic and military ties with Israel, the U.S.,
often explicitly undermining efforts by Palestinian civil society to resist”
(p78). PADICO, the Palestinian Development and investment Company, founded by
rich Palestinians such as the Masri family and dominated by Gulf state capital,
owns 78% of the Palestinian Stock Exchange. Bashar Masri, with Qatari and US
support, has funded construction of the new city of Rawabi, priced for the
well-to-do. Much of the construction material was bought from Israel, and
nearly 500 acres of village land were involuntarily seized. Other Masri family
members also have many deals with Israeli tycoons. Industrial zones run by
Turkey, Japan and France, in which workers will have few rights, are in the
works. In the last 30 years, credit (mostly to buy Israeli goods) has been so
massively increased that half of all Palestinians are in significant debt,
while unemployment is over 20%, wages are low, and one third suffer food insecurity.
The West Bank is policed by the Palestinian Authority (PA). The PA security
sector today employs almost half of the 145,000 people on the PA payroll and consumes
$1 billion of the PA’s $3.9 billion budget — roughly the same amount as health
and education combined.
Israel, too, is a capitalist and highly unequal society.
Eighteen ruling families have incomes equal to 77% of the national budget in
2006 and take in 32% of the profits from the 500 largest companies. The three
largest banks preside over 80% of the market and take 70% of the profits. The
income gaps between the 90th and the 50th percentiles, and between the 50th and
the 10th are the highest in the world. Since most job growth is in the high
tech sector, inequality in education and lack of social mobility, especially
for the Arab minority, insure the growth of these differences. Since 2001, tax
cuts have benefited the wealthy, industry has privatized and unions have lost
their clout. So dire is the situation that 80% of the population supported the
massive 2011 protests against unemployment and unaffordable housing. In Israel,
inequality is the 4th highest in the world and growing
Do Palestinian and Israeli workers have more in common with
these exploiters and enforcers than they do with other workers in the rest of
the world? An examination of liberation movements of the last century reveals
that this nationalist thinking has dominated struggle in many countries and has
yet to lead to significant betterment of the lives of ordinary citizens. Instead,
it has merely led to changing the ethnicity of the local exploiters, whose
strings often continue to be pulled by former colonial powers. We can examine
the stories of Sierra Leone, Algeria, El Salvador, Haiti, South Africa and many
others to see that despite long and bloody liberation struggles, the
maintenance of a capitalist system and ties to international monetary
institutions has not led to significant economic betterment of the vast
majority of the population. Overt apartheid-like regulations may have
disappeared, but class distinctions have not. In fact, the movement for
equality and better living conditions is usually dissipated, at least
temporarily, by nationalist victory. The workers of the oppressor nations are
likewise suffering. In the U.S., as in the nations of Europe, in Russia and in
China, millions live with poverty, racism, food insecurity, and poor health care,
although the particularities may vary widely. The American capitalist system
could not survive without the $600 billion it saves by paying lower wages to
black workers. Europeans berate but depend on the cheap labor of their
immigrant populations. China steals land from its farmers, condemns thousands
to slave in internationally owned economic zones, and kills workers with pollution
and shoddy construction.
Despite their calls for national unity, the members of
various ruling classes are always able to unite when workers’ movements
threaten them. As far back as the Paris Commune, when workers seized the city
for ten weeks in 1871, the French army united with its former Prussian enemy to
crush them. Terrified by the Bolshevik victory in the former Soviet Union, ten
governments, from the US to Italy to Japan, launched an invasion in 1918. Today,
the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund unite and protect the
world’s moneyed interests around the globe.
What is the alternative to waving the nationalist flag, the
banner of the ruling class of whatever nation? Let us raise flags and banners
of worker and student solidarity across borders, for the demands for which we
fight. Let us not falsely depend on or unite with our so-called state leaders
who, universally in the world today, have more in common with each other than
they do with us. Let us not be bamboozled by patriotic or nationalist rhetoric;
let Arab and Jewish and American workers fight together for what we need. The
One State Movement for historic Palestine could be a huge step in this
direction, but it must do more to consider the political and economic nature of
the society it seeks to create. Let us be part of an international movement for
an anti-racist, non-capitalist world.
Jihadists Have Chemical Weapons?
“Before his death, Gaddafi left approximately one thousand cubic tons worth of material used for manufacturing chemical weapons and about 20,000 cubic tons of mustard gas,” the military source said.
The destruction of some of Libya’s chemical weapons arsenal began after the country joined the Chemical Weapons Convention in 2004. Due to the uprising against Gaddafi’s rule in 2011, the source maintained, only 60 percent of the chemical stockpiles have been destroyed. The quantity of chemical weapons taken is not known.
Jihadist groups have exploited the chaos in Libya that followed the toppling of Gaddafi in 2011, as rival factions compete for power and oil. ISIS secured a foothold in Libya after at least three local Islamist militias swore allegiance to the ultra-radical group. A video recording, obtained by Asharq Al-Awsat, purportedly shows militants conducting chemical weapons tests in a mountainous area near the town of Mizda
Together we stand
Muslims in Oslo formed a human chain around the city’s main
synagogue, chanting “No to anti-Semitism, no to Islamophobia.” Over 1,000
people took part in the rally to show solidarity with Jews just a week after a
fatal shooting in a Denmark synagogue. Muslims formed what they called a ring
of peace, as the small Jewish congregation filed out of the synagogue after
Shabbat prayers on Saturday. The message was simple – they mourn and stand in
solidarity with the victims of increasingly instances of violence against Jews
in Europe, including the terror attacks in France in January and in neighboring
Denmark last week.
“This shows that there
are many more peacemakers than war-makers,” Zeeshan Abdullah, one of the organizers told the crowd. “There is still hope for humanity, for peace
and love across religious differences and background.”
“It is unique that
Muslims stand to this degree against anti-Semitism and that fills us with
hope...particularly as it's a grassroots movement of young Muslims,” said
Norway's Jewish community leader Ervin
Fact of the Day
Air pollution in India has affected a huge number of its citizens, shortening the lives of around 660 million people by about three years. The lives of 54.5 percent of the Indian people who reside in areas heavily polluted by fine particles are shortened by 3.2 years on average.
New Delhi is the most polluted in the world, according to the estimates by the World Health Organization. The list of 20 polluted cities in the world in 2014 included 12 other cities from India.
New Delhi is the most polluted in the world, according to the estimates by the World Health Organization. The list of 20 polluted cities in the world in 2014 included 12 other cities from India.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Cheap to cure but expensive to treat
Yaws is one of a group of 17 neglected tropical diseases
(NTDs) that affect 1.5 billion people, among them the world's poorest. They
maim or blind people, are often debilitating and sometimes fatal.
"The NTDs are a huge global health priority, and that's
really motivated donors and endemic countries to pull together," Helen
Hamilton, NTD policy advisor at Sightsavers and chair of the UK Coalition
against NTDs said in an interview.
Because most NTDs affect only certain geographical areas,
experts say that given the right resources many of them can cease to be a
public health risk. Of the 3.5 million cases of Guinea worm infections a decade
ago, for instance, there are now just 120 cases globally, showing just how
close the world is to eradicating it.
Yaws affects mainly children and causes unsightly skin
ulcers and painful bone infections that can make walking difficult. In some
rare cases it can eat away people's noses. At least 50 million people were
affected by the bacterial infection in the 1950s. When the WHO launched mass
treatment campaigns with penicillin vaccines, the number of cases plummeted by
95 percent by the end of the 1960s, according to David Mabey, an expert in yaws
and professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. "But
then it fell off the agenda.” Yaws is known to be prevalent in 12 countries in
areas where people have little access to healthcare, mainly in West and Central
Africa, Asia and the Pacific Islands.
It should be easy to eradicate, because scientists have
found that a single dose of the relatively cheap drug azithromycin, given
orally, is as effective as the penicillin injections of old. Not enough money
is spent on getting drugs and tools to the people who need them, David
Molyneux, professor at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, said in an
interview. Less than 1 percent of official international development aid for
health is spent on NTDs, Molyneux said. Malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS attract
much of the funds. Bednets, insecticides and free or very cheap drugs can help
curb many of the diseases. "We're dealing with something here where ... we
can have a profound health impact with very cheap tools," he said.
The global health community needs an estimated $750 million
annually to meet the World Health Organization’s 2020 road map for the
preventive treatment and care of neglected tropical diseases. It is relatively
cheap, when compared with the billions of dollars needed to address other
health issues like HIV and AIDS, to which U.S. President Barack Obama allocated
$6.2 billion under his 2015 budget request.
According to Dirk Engels, head of WHO’s NTD department. In
fact, he said, there’s currently just about $300 million in foreign aid funding
available to tackle these diseases — not even half of the required sum. And
given the current financial climate, especially in traditional donor countries,
Engels, who is also the lead author of a new WHO report on NTDs, isn’t so
optimistic that foreign aid can bridge that gap. Ebola has shown that when
there is real urgency, something can be done (by foreign donors and
pharmaceutical companies)," he said. "But it's also shown that maybe
we shouldn't wait until it is urgent." Critically needed interventions are
often sidelined as donors focus too much on the end result. Intestinal worm
infection is an example. A chronic problem in poor countries, particularly in
areas where there are poor sanitation practices and facilities, intestinal worm
infection can easily be cured by taking the right medicine. WHO made it a
target to reach at least 75 percent of poor schoolchildren with this pill by
2010, and yet, five years past the target and with 600 million deworming
tablets available for free, only 300 million are being delivered and just 30
percent of the estimated target population being reached.
The drug company Merck, for example, has for 25 years been
donating for free a drug, ivermectin, to treat Africans against the parasitic
worms that cause elephantiasis and river blindness (the drug is mostly sold in
the West for treating canine heartworm infections). “Most firms were willing to
donate the drugs but they didn’t want to be on the hook for anything else,” Julie
Jacobson, a physician and program officer at the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation said. The drug companies agreed to get the donated meds to the
countries but other needs such as coordinating the donations in country,
incorporating them effectively into broader health programs, monitoring for
safety and compliance and so on were to be the responsibility of others.
![]() |
YLDs – years lived with a disability YLLs – years of life lost |
Quote of the Day
“The method of practicing economic science creates a
professional ethic of studied myopia. Apprentice economists are relieved of the
need to learn much about the complexities of human motivation, the messy
universe of economic institutions, or the real dynamics of technological
change. Those who have real empirical curiosity and insight about the workings
of banks, corporations, production technologies, trade unions, economic history
or individual behavior are dismissed as casual empiricists, literary historians
or sociologists, and marginalized within the profession. In their place
departments are graduating a generation of idiots savants, brilliant at
esoteric mathematics yet innocent of actual economic life.” Robert Kuttner, economist
Fact of the Day
Between 1979 and 2013, productivity in the U.S. grew 64.9
percent, while hourly compensation of production and nonsupervisory workers,
who comprise over 80 percent of the private-sector workforce, grew just 8.0
percent. Productivity thus grew eight times faster than typical worker
U.S. households earn $18,000 less than they would had wages
kept pace with productivity. Canadian workers are paid at least $15,000 per
year less than they would be had their wages kept pace.
Friday, February 20, 2015
The Head-Fixing Industry
This is the opening
and closing of pamphlet by John Keracher of the Proletarian Party of America
first published in 1930s yet still relevant and pertinent to today’s world of
media manipulation. The full pamphlet can be read on the Libcom website.
The much used term, "public opinion" is little
understood by the average person. On first thought, many are inclined to
believe that it is the opinion of that aggregate of human kind, commonly
referred to as "the public." Let us see whether or not such is the
case. What is public opinion? Does it really exist? We say "Yes" and "No."
That considerable influence is brought to bear upon social
questions by what is called "public opinion" goes without saying. It
is not a thing of air; it does not exist merely in the imagination. Quite the
contrary, it is a power of considerable magnitude—a real live social force. And
yet we do not hesitate to say that "public opinion" is not PUBLIC
opinion at all. It is, at best, the opinion of a very small minority—we say, at
best, for the reason that in many instances, particularly in matters pertaining
to the labor movement, it is but an artifice whereby it is sought to mold the
public mind favorably to the interests of the ruling class.
To comprehend this misnomer fully, one must have some idea
of the source of "public opinion" and how it is formed. The public is
divided into two classes, the working class and the employing class—the class
that PRODUCES the "nation's" wealth and the class that OWNS the means
of producing such wealth, the mines, mills, factories, etc.
It is quite obvious that the interests of these two classes
are not identical. The employers and the workers get their incomes in different
way. They are opposite in every
respect. The one class, on the average, is "well to do," many are
rich. The other class is not at ail "well off," many are in poverty.
The conditions under which the workers live are such as
should cause them to arrive at opinions different from those arrived at by the
rich- Yet the masses of the people, although poor, think the thoughts of the
rich, champion the arguments of the rich, and, if need be, defend with their
last breath the interests of the rich. "Public opinion" is, at best,
only the opinion of the rich, but the majority of the people dont know it. You
will say, "How is it done?"
It is the result of America's greatest industry.
"But," you will say, "what is America's greatest industry?"
Well! It is not the coal industry, nor the oil industry, nor the automobile
industry. It is not building, nor shipping, nor railroading. No, it is none of
these. America's greatest industry is the—Head-Fixing Industry….
Public opinion, as we have endeavored to show in this
pamphlet, is only capitalist opinion. The most effective way to combat it is to
put forth, in opposition, workers' opinion. But how is this workers' opinion to
be formed? How is working-class opinion going to become "public
The working class constitutes the vast majority of the
population. This majority has a means at its disposal, propaganda. The
individual worker carrying the message of working-class emancipation to his
fellow worker is a powerful factor, especially if put to work systematically.
Speaking from working-class platforms, in halls and on street corners, and die
printed word, the periodicals of the workers, by the workers and for the
workers, are all effective means of reaching the masses.
There is also at work a still greater force than propaganda,
a force that is bound to shape "public opinion." Social evolution is
at work. Its great economic pressure is bearing down upon the workers and
forcing them to think. It is sharpening the struggle between the classes,
between those who own the means of production and the class that must work for
those owners in order to live. In a word, experience, the workers' everyday
experience, is the greatest force working toward their social awakening. To
give the awakened workers greater understanding of their class interests, to
impart information in relation to the social system under which we live, is the
object of such a pamphlet as this. Also, the labor press, particularly its more
advanced section, is useful in teaching the lessons of organization and action.
Every means at the disposal of the working-class movement must be made use of
to enlighten the masses and to convey the necessary knowledge of their class
problems and the nature of the historic task that the proletariat is confronted
The class-conscious workers, the vanguard of the American
proletariat, are now pressing forward with a mighty movement, and a powerful
propaganda and educational press for the purpose of winning the workers away
from the poisoned propaganda of the kept press of Wall Street. Mass meetings,
street-corner meetings, classes on labor questions, leaflets, pamphlets, books,
or any other means at our disposal, must be fully utilized. The personal
agitation of the already awakened workers is particularly valuable, as our
class is so numerous and the master class so few and getting fewer.
Let us bend every effort to the end that working class
opinion may prevail, to the end that working-class ideas, opinions in the interest
of the vast majority, will ultimately become public opinion. We must fight the
head-fixing industry of the capitalist class to a finish. We must expose its
shams, its fraudulent claims, its hypocracies and perversions. Against its
"holy" humbugs, we must hurl our simple truths in relation to history
and the real part played in social evolution by the class which does the
world's work. We must un-fix the
workers' heads by imparting real knowledge and driving out the falsehoods of
capitalism's head-fixing industry.
It is only through thus exposing the class nature of the
head-fixing industry that we can prepare the workers' minds for the need of a
revolutionary change. The workers must be taught that their slavery is based
upon the private ownership of the machinery of production and distribution.
They must be brought to a realization that their emancipation from wage slavery
can only come as a result of the means of production and distribution being
transformed from the status of capitalist ownership to that of social
ownership. The common ownership of the mills, mines, factories, etc., is the
goal of the modern working-class movement. The political overthrow of the
capitalist class is the first step toward this objective.
In this struggle, the power of thought is a mighty weapon.
Let us learn to wield it more and more effectively. Let us bring the
revolutionary ideas of the modern proletarian movement to the front, so as to
uproot capitalism and establish a new social order. Let us sweep away, not only
the head-fixing industry of capitalism, but also sweep away the system of
profit making that is served by the head-fixing industry.
Quote of the Day (2)
'Oddly enough, if you talk to most reporters, most of the reporters I know who are giving me stories about censorship, about top-down control and all, are ex-reporters. They're often people - I began noticing, "Well I used to work for Associated Press...", or "Well, I used to work for CBS..." – "Well I used to..." The ones who are still in there absolutely vehemently deny that there's any such thing like this. They get very indignant. They say: "Are you telling me that I'm not my own man? I'll have you know that in 17 years with this paper I always say what I like." And I say to them: "You say what you like, because they like what you say."
'And, you know, the minute you move too far - and you have no sensation of a restraint on your freedom. I mean, you don't know you're wearing a leash if you sit by the peg all day. It's only if you then begin to wander to a prohibited perimeter that you feel the tug, you see. So you're free because your ideological perspective is congruent with that of your boss. So you have no sensation of being at odds with your boss.' - 'Michael Parenti - Inventing Reality', YouTube, talk on 17 October 1993
'And, you know, the minute you move too far - and you have no sensation of a restraint on your freedom. I mean, you don't know you're wearing a leash if you sit by the peg all day. It's only if you then begin to wander to a prohibited perimeter that you feel the tug, you see. So you're free because your ideological perspective is congruent with that of your boss. So you have no sensation of being at odds with your boss.' - 'Michael Parenti - Inventing Reality', YouTube, talk on 17 October 1993
Eco-Doom and Gloom
So much information about climate change now abounds that it
is hard to differentiate fact from fiction. Scientific reports appear alongside
conspiracy theories. Corporate lobby groups urge governments not to act.
The little progress that is made to curb carbon emissions
and contain global warming often pales in comparison to the scale of natural
disasters that continue to unfold at an unprecedented rate, from record-level
snowstorms, to massive floods, to prolonged droughts. A new report by The
Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), a think-tank based in New Delhi that
has, perhaps for the first time ever, compiled an exhaustive assessment of the
whole world’s progress on climate mitigation and adaptation.
The TERI report cites data compiled by the Centre for
Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) based at the Catholic
University of Leuven in Belgium, which maintains a global database of natural
disasters dating back over 100 years. The study found a 10-fold increase to 525
natural disasters in 2002 from around 50 in 1975. By 2011, 95 percent of deaths
from this consistent trend of increasing natural disasters were from developing
countries. TERI took into account everything from heat and cold waves, drought,
floods, flash floods, cloudburst, landslides, avalanches, forest fires, cyclone
and hurricanes. In the 110 years spanning 1900 and 2009, hydro-meteorological
disasters have increased from 25 to 3,526. Hydro-meteorological, geological and
biological extreme events together increased from 72 to 11,571 during that same
period, the report says. In the 60-year period between 1970 and 2030, Asia will
shoulder the lion’s share of floods, cyclones and sea-level rise, with the
latter projected to affect 83 million people annually compared to 16.5 million
in Europe, nine million in North America and six million in Africa. The U.N.
Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) estimates that global economic
losses by the end of the current century will touch 25 trillion dollars, unless
strong measures for climate change mitigation, adaptation and disaster risk
reduction are taken immediately.
Mozambique was found to be most at risk globally, followed
by Sudan and North Korea. In both Mozambique and Sudan, extreme climate events
caused more than six deaths per 100,000 people, the highest among all countries
ranked, while North Korea suffered the highest economic losses annually,
amounting to 1.65 percent of its gross domestic product (GDP). The year 2011
saw 350 billion dollars in economic damages globally, the highest since 1975.
The situation is particularly bleak in Asia, where countries
like Myanmar, Bangladesh and the Philippines, with a combined total population
of over 300 million people, are extremely vulnerable to climate-related
disasters. China, despite high economic growth, has not been able to reduce the
disaster risks to its population that is expected to touch 1.4 billion people
by the end of 2015: it ranked sixth among the countries in Asia most
susceptible to climate change. Sustained effort at the national level has
enabled Bangladesh to strengthen its defenses against sea-level rise, its
biggest climate challenge, but it still ranked third on the list. India, the
second most populous country – expected to have 1.26 billion people by end 2015
– came in at 10th place, while Sri Lanka and Nepal figured at 14th and 15th
place respectively. In Africa, Ethiopia and Somalia are also considered
extremely vulnerable, while the European nations of Albania, Moldova, Spain and
France appeared high on the list of at-risk countries in that region, followed
by Russia in sixth place. In the Americas, the Caribbean island nation of St.
Lucia ranked first, followed by Grenada and Honduras. The most populous country
in the region, Brazil, home to 200 million people, was ranked 20th.
The UK takes the most historic responsibility with 940
tonnes of CO2 per capita emitted during the industrialisation boom of
1850-1989, while the U.S. occupies the fifth slot consistently on counts of
historical responsibility, cumulative CO2 emissions over the 1990-2011 period,
as well as greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity per unit of GDP in 2011, the
same year it clocked 6,135 million tonnes of GHG emissions.
China was the highest GHG emitter in 2011 with 10,260
million tonnes, and India ranked 3rd with 2,358 million tonnes. However, when
emission intensity per one unit of GDP is additionally considered for current
responsibility, both Asian countries move lower on the scale while the oil economies
of Qatar and Kuwait move up to into the ranks of the top five countries bearing
the highest responsibility for climate change.
Quote of the Day
“According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), almost
1 billion people suffer from chronic hunger and almost 2 billion are
under- or
overnourished. Approximately 5 million children die each year because of
poor nutrition. Access to adequate food during the first 1,000 days of life is
vitally important for healthy future generations. Of the world’s hungry people,
98% live in developing countries. The root causes of food insecurity and
malnutrition are poverty and inequity rather than shortages.
FAO statistics confirm that the world produces enough food
to feed the 7 billion people living today, and even the estimated 9-10 billion
population in 2050. Global agriculture produces 17% more calories per person
today than 30 years ago, despite a 70% increase in population. Despite this,
for the 2 billion people making less than $2 a day – many of whom live in rural
areas where resource-poor farmers cultivate small plots of land – most can’t
afford to buy food. It is the economic system that is responsible for this
prevalence of poverty and hunger.” - Hilal Elver, Special Rapporteur on Right to Food, ResearchProfessor, and co-director of the Project on Global Climate Change, HumanSecurity, and Democracy housed at the Orfalea Center for Global &International Studies at the University of California.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Fact of the Day
The British Army deployed 93,000 troops to 300 commitments in 50 countries last year
British Slaves
The UK visa system is enabling unscrupulous employers to
treat foreign workers as modern-day slaves, workers who were paid little or
nothing, were not allowed out and were sometimes abused or beaten, a BBCinvestigation has found.
The situations come from "tied" visas - meaning
the right to be in the UK can be withdrawn by the employer - and
"transit" visas on fishing boats. Transit visas are being used to
bring in recruits to the fishing industry who have no right to set foot on dry
land - and therefore no access to UK employment rights. Some fishing workers
spend weeks at a time at sea, sometimes unpaid, sleeping in cramped conditions,
often physically and verbally abused.
With tied visas, employees must stay with the employer they
arrived to work for - so if they are mistreated and run away, they are likely
to be deported.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
The Piano Man
"BOWIE'S PIANO MAN: the life of Mike Garson" by Clifford Slapper
Fantom Books, 2015
(Trade Release from 20 March)
Copies available now, exclusively from:
“It is pointless to talk about his ability as a pianist. He is exceptional. However, there are very, very few musicians, let alone pianists, who naturally understand the movement and free thinking necessary to hurl themselves into experimental or traditional areas of music, sometimes, ironically, at the same time. Mike does this with such enthusiasm that it makes my heart glad just to be in the same room with him.”
David Bowie on Mike Garson
*First-ever biography of Mike Garson, long-term pianist with David Bowie, who has played on 19 Bowie albums. He has also played live with Bowie on countless tours and shows, and remains his most long-standing and frequent band member.
*For some time Clifford Slapper has been working very closely with Garson to write a book which explores the life of this extraordinary and eccentric modern musician. It documents in detail how, as a pianist, he was catapulted overnight from the obscure world of New York's avant-garde jazz scene to a close and long connection with Bowie
*Based on in-depth long conversations with Garson himself, as well as interviews with many of those he has worked with, such as Tony Visconti, Earl Slick, Trent Reznor, Gail Ann Dorsey. Gerry Leonard and Reeves Gabrels. It also has over 50 photographs, many never seen before, of Garson with Bowie and others.
*This book seeks to shine a spotlight on one of the musicians who has contributed hugely, though often without full recognition until now, to modern musical history, especially through helping to mould the sound of classic albums like Aladdin Sane by David Bowie. It covers a wide range of themes which will be of interest to all Bowie fans, but also to anyone with a passion for music, social history or the process of creative inspiration.
“The most inspiring musician I’ve ever come across.”
Trent Reznor, Nine Inch Nails
“Of the whole lot, Mike is the true genius; we are all just toys in his atonal wonderland.”
Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins
Fantom Books, 2015
Copies available now, exclusively from:
“It is pointless to talk about his ability as a pianist. He is exceptional. However, there are very, very few musicians, let alone pianists, who naturally understand the movement and free thinking necessary to hurl themselves into experimental or traditional areas of music, sometimes, ironically, at the same time. Mike does this with such enthusiasm that it makes my heart glad just to be in the same room with him.”
David Bowie on Mike Garson
*First-ever biography of Mike Garson, long-term pianist with David Bowie, who has played on 19 Bowie albums. He has also played live with Bowie on countless tours and shows, and remains his most long-standing and frequent band member.
*For some time Clifford Slapper has been working very closely with Garson to write a book which explores the life of this extraordinary and eccentric modern musician. It documents in detail how, as a pianist, he was catapulted overnight from the obscure world of New York's avant-garde jazz scene to a close and long connection with Bowie
*Based on in-depth long conversations with Garson himself, as well as interviews with many of those he has worked with, such as Tony Visconti, Earl Slick, Trent Reznor, Gail Ann Dorsey. Gerry Leonard and Reeves Gabrels. It also has over 50 photographs, many never seen before, of Garson with Bowie and others.
*This book seeks to shine a spotlight on one of the musicians who has contributed hugely, though often without full recognition until now, to modern musical history, especially through helping to mould the sound of classic albums like Aladdin Sane by David Bowie. It covers a wide range of themes which will be of interest to all Bowie fans, but also to anyone with a passion for music, social history or the process of creative inspiration.
“The most inspiring musician I’ve ever come across.”
Trent Reznor, Nine Inch Nails
“Of the whole lot, Mike is the true genius; we are all just toys in his atonal wonderland.”
Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins
"Mike Garson played the legendary piano parts on David Bowie's Aladdin Sane album. At Bowie's final concert as Ziggy Stardust, in July 1973 at Hammersmith Apollo, Mike came on first and played a solo piano set of Bowie songs. He is a prolific classical composer, jazz master and improviser. He has also recorded and performed live with rock, pop and soul legends including the Smashing Pumpkins, Nine Inch Nails, Gwen Stefani, Jeff Beck, Luther Vandross, St. Vincent; and with jazz greats including Stan Getz, Stanley Clarke and Freddie Hubbard. All of this is covered in this first ever, fully authorised biography.
Clifford Slapper is also a pianist and played the piano for David Bowie's appearance on Ricky Gervais' award winning TV comedy "Extras". He has also played for Boy George, Suggs, Lisa Stansfield, Jarvis Cocker, Angie Brown, Stereo MCs and Gary Kemp amongst many others. With Billie Ray Martin he created a ground-breaking series of live and partially improvised film-scores in London and Berlin for Polanski's Repulsion, and he has been writing for many other artists. He features on recent releases by Marc Almond and Holly Johnson, and played the piano as Dudley Moore in a BBC recreation of the sketches of Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, presented by Jonathan Ross. Aside from magazine articles, this book is his first published work. He is available for Q&A, readings, signings etc.
Contact: Clifford Slapper / Email:
Monday, February 16, 2015
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Fitba' Daft (2)
While football bosses have announced a record £5.14billion
deal to televise live Premier League matches, funding to the grassroots game is
actually being cut. The Premier League originally promised to give five per
cent of its broadcasting income to grassroots projects. This has now fallen to
below one per cent, with the league, the Government and the FA each cutting its
contributions through the Football Foundation from £20million a year to
Worse, amateur teams face a massive rise in fees charged by
councils for the use of pitches – in some cases up from £150 to £600 a season. In
most cases, the management of publicly owned pitches is controlled by town
halls, which have had to slash leisure budgets in the face of Government
austerity measures.
Stephen O’Reilly, secretary of Liverpool junior summer
league, believes the big clubs should do more. He said: “Bill Shankley used to
come out of Anfield and watch the kids playing football here. Those days are
gone. The Premier League should be looking after these leagues, where your Gerrards
and Rooneys all started.” Stephen added: “All our equipment is kept in the
storage container. There are dogs running across the pitches. There are no toilet
facilities, no hot water. Football is a religion here. But now it’s all about
money, money, money.”
England has just 639 of the latest full size 3G public
pitches, each costing £550,000, while Germany has 3,735.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Fitba' Daft
Andy Walker is a spokesperson for FC United of Manchester, a club born in 2005 from immense frustration with the way ownership was running Manchester United. When the Glazer family from the United States bought Manchester United just a few years after Rupert Murdoch attempted the same thing in 1998, some fans drew the line and formed their own club. Walker, and the rest of the renegade fans, place the destruction of football—from the anti-competitive nature of the Premier League to rising ticket prices and incessant bowing down to television—at the feet of these super-rich owners.
"These are business people whose primary aim is to make the maximum profit from their investment while saddling the club with massive debt," Walker told Bleacher Report. "They epitomise everything that is wrong with modern football. Supporters are rarely consulted about matters affecting their clubs, have to suffer massive hikes in ticket prices and inconvenient kick-off times for the sake of television and have largely been marginalised."
Michael Brunskill, a spokesperson for the Football Supporters Federation related how some fans, take this new reality in stride, supporting local nonleague clubs instead of Premier League clubs, returning to times when football was at the heart of communities without worrying about international rights and hidden money.
"They feel more of a closer relationship with the club and more of a connection with the club and the players," says Brunskill of these fans. "They aren't global superstars who you can't get near. If you go to a nonleague game, you can have a pint and a chat with the player in the bar afterward."
FC United of Manchester are taking it to the next level. Just 10 years in the making, FC United have already made the Northern Premier League playoff final three times. The former Manchester United fans boast more than 3,500 paying members, all of whom get a vote in decision-making of the club. And they will soon move into their own stadium, Broadhurst Park—financed largely by their own members. Members, referred to as co-owners, vote on everything from the board to the kit to ticket prices, all to create an environment of loyalty, engagement and community involvement—a far cry from the elite hierarchy of teams or the motives of super-rich owners.
Though victory happens to be a byproduct of rabid fans willing to do anything for a club that shows them as much love as they show the club, FC United's goals, according to Walker, are "to be a sustainable football club that can be the best it can be on the pitch while making a real difference in the local community and beyond of it."
Oddly, it sounds like the ideal marketing pitch to a group of millennials, though FC United isn't a start-up tech company from Silicon Valley. Instead, they are simply going back to the days when football meant something to the community and reflected the ideals of the fans who built the club.
"People want to belong," said Walker. "If you value that loyalty and promote engagement and involvement, then people will do amazing things with you and support you through thick and thin."
Whether FC United are part of a bigger trend or simply a small reaction to a larger problem remains to be seen, but they certainly have strong selling points for young adults who can't afford to attend bigger games, participate in the spectacle or have a say in the direction of the club. Of higher importance in a global economy, the profits from FC United will stay in the community rather than going back to a Russian, American or Middle Eastern bank account.
Still, less practical, more emotional reasons may have a stronger effect on the tide of fanhood. Gone are the days when David toppled Goliath to win the league. The key element in both religion and football—faith—is in danger of being eliminated. We know Sunderland will not have a moment like Sergio Aguero's to snatch the title from an age-old rival. We know Newcastle United will not play in the Champions League and stun Real Madrid in the final. We know players such as Willian will choose Chelsea over Tottenham Hotspur. We know these things because the global economy has taken so much money away from middle and lower classes and at the same time seen the wealthy become the super-rich. We know because the game favors those with the largest bank accounts.
"These are business people whose primary aim is to make the maximum profit from their investment while saddling the club with massive debt," Walker told Bleacher Report. "They epitomise everything that is wrong with modern football. Supporters are rarely consulted about matters affecting their clubs, have to suffer massive hikes in ticket prices and inconvenient kick-off times for the sake of television and have largely been marginalised."
Michael Brunskill, a spokesperson for the Football Supporters Federation related how some fans, take this new reality in stride, supporting local nonleague clubs instead of Premier League clubs, returning to times when football was at the heart of communities without worrying about international rights and hidden money.
"They feel more of a closer relationship with the club and more of a connection with the club and the players," says Brunskill of these fans. "They aren't global superstars who you can't get near. If you go to a nonleague game, you can have a pint and a chat with the player in the bar afterward."
FC United of Manchester are taking it to the next level. Just 10 years in the making, FC United have already made the Northern Premier League playoff final three times. The former Manchester United fans boast more than 3,500 paying members, all of whom get a vote in decision-making of the club. And they will soon move into their own stadium, Broadhurst Park—financed largely by their own members. Members, referred to as co-owners, vote on everything from the board to the kit to ticket prices, all to create an environment of loyalty, engagement and community involvement—a far cry from the elite hierarchy of teams or the motives of super-rich owners.
Though victory happens to be a byproduct of rabid fans willing to do anything for a club that shows them as much love as they show the club, FC United's goals, according to Walker, are "to be a sustainable football club that can be the best it can be on the pitch while making a real difference in the local community and beyond of it."
Oddly, it sounds like the ideal marketing pitch to a group of millennials, though FC United isn't a start-up tech company from Silicon Valley. Instead, they are simply going back to the days when football meant something to the community and reflected the ideals of the fans who built the club.
"People want to belong," said Walker. "If you value that loyalty and promote engagement and involvement, then people will do amazing things with you and support you through thick and thin."
Whether FC United are part of a bigger trend or simply a small reaction to a larger problem remains to be seen, but they certainly have strong selling points for young adults who can't afford to attend bigger games, participate in the spectacle or have a say in the direction of the club. Of higher importance in a global economy, the profits from FC United will stay in the community rather than going back to a Russian, American or Middle Eastern bank account.
Still, less practical, more emotional reasons may have a stronger effect on the tide of fanhood. Gone are the days when David toppled Goliath to win the league. The key element in both religion and football—faith—is in danger of being eliminated. We know Sunderland will not have a moment like Sergio Aguero's to snatch the title from an age-old rival. We know Newcastle United will not play in the Champions League and stun Real Madrid in the final. We know players such as Willian will choose Chelsea over Tottenham Hotspur. We know these things because the global economy has taken so much money away from middle and lower classes and at the same time seen the wealthy become the super-rich. We know because the game favors those with the largest bank accounts.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Herbal Business
We often hear about the evils of Big Pharma, and there’s
plenty to be concerned about there. But some who promote “alternatives” — the
manufacturers, distributors and sellers of supplements, aka Big Herba —take
advantage of regulatory loopholes, public distrust of the medical realm, and
consumer confusion to push pills and potions that may do absolutely nothing for
your health, or worse. Big Herba is big business, and when profit is the
motive, let the buyer beware.
Increasingly, Big Pharma and Big Herba are
indistinguishable. The very same mega-companies with gigantic chemical labs
that make drugs are cooking up vitamin and herbal supplements labeled with
sunny terms like “natural” and “wholesome.” Pfizer, Unilever, Novartis,
GlaxoSmithKline and other big pharmaceutical firms make or sell supplements.
Procter & Gamble Co. and Arm & Hammer are also in on the action. Wall
Street is getting in on the game, too: the Carlyle Group, a private-equity
titan, owns NBTY (formerly Nature's Bounty), whose brands include Nature's
Bounty, Sundown Naturals, Puritan's Pride, and Vitamin World. When they make
supplements, companies don’t have to play by the same rules as when they make
drugs. True, there are still some small firms that concentrate on just a few
products, and many of them want to sell products that are properly labeled and
beneficial. But the smaller guys represent just a small fraction of total sales
in what has become a $23-billion-a-year business.
Last week, the New York attorney general's office told GNC,
Target, Walgreens and Walmart to pull several store-brand supplements when most
of them were found to contain things other than what their labels advertised,
including allergens like wheat that are potentially dangerous to some
consumers. At all the stores investigated, the St. John’s Wort contained
absolutely no St. John’s Wort. Likewise, the Gingko Biloba had no Gingko
Biloba. Instead, many of the products contained nothing but cheap fillers,
including a common houseplant called dracaena.
In 2012, the Office of the Inspector General of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services released a report showing that 20
percent of supplements sold for weight loss and immune system support they
bought made illegal claims about their effectiveness in treating and cure
ailments. “Sampled supplements,” says the report, “were inconsistent with FDA
guidance on competent and reliable scientific evidence.”
In 2013, the New York Times published an article describing
numerous problems with common products. Research conducted in Canada on popular
supplements like echinacea and St. John’s Wort sold by 12 different companies
found that many consumers were getting completely swindled. According to the
“Americans spend an estimated $5 billion a year on unproven
herbal supplements that promise everything from fighting off colds to curbing
hot flashes and boosting memory. But now there is a new reason for supplement
buyers to beware: DNA tests show that many pills labeled as healing herbs are
little more than powdered rice and weeds.
The same year, Harvard researchers found that between 2004
and 2012, there were 237 “Class I recalls” of dietary supplements. That means
for each product, there was a “reasonable probability that the use of or
exposure to a product will cause serious adverse health consequences or death.”
Dietary supplements —which include vitamins, minerals, botanicals, and herbal
remedies — accounted for half of such recalls during those years.
Consumer Reports reveals that of 54,000 supplements listed
in the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, only a third have any
scientifically supported level of safety and efficacy. Twelve percent are
linked to safety concerns or quality issues. The report calls attention to
health risks including cardiovascular, liver and kidney problems; contamination
with nasty things like heavy metals due to poor quality control and inspection;
and raw ingredients sourced in China, where factories are riddled by lax standards.
So many people worry about having to spend money at the doctor.
So much money to be made. In 1994, the Dietary Supplement Health and Education
Act (DSHEA) was passed which allowed dietary supplements to operate with little
regulation. The supplement industry, as a result, does not have to do thorough
trials for safety and efficacy. And they
don’t necessarily have to alert consumers about harmful side-effects. Even when
a supplement is clearly shown to be harmful, it’s difficult for the FDA to step
in and ban it. Just take the case of ephedra, which people used to take for
weight loss and to boost energy. Despite mounting evidence of dangerous
effects, in some cases fatal, manufacturers challenged a 2004 FDA ban and got
it overturned. It took the U.S. Court of Appeals to restore the ban in 2006.
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Bad News for the Planet
Is it necessary for people to eat as much meat as we do? Until
relatively recently, meat was generally only eaten on special occasions and,
even then, largely by the rich. For millennia we have raised animals on non-arable land and
fed them indigestible waste from our food production, either harvesting their
milk or their meat in return. Eating meat was occasional.
Climate change, with all the challenges that that brings,
will be accelerated if we continue to factory farm at the rate we presently do.
Intensive farming process is doing little to help the environment. The increase
in the production of meat can only serve to further damage our already
exhausted planet. Emissions have increased by 144% in Asia alone in the last 50
years, a huge increase particularly when noting this does not include the
figures from the UK, Europe and America. The fertilisers used on the food for
the animals to eat produces the harmful greenhouse gas nitrous oxide.
Additionally animals, for example cows, sheep and goats, secrete high
concentrations of toxic methane (23% of the overall global gas emissions) into
the atmosphere, a gas they produce naturally. It is clear that, from the beginning
of the meat production chain, the planet is being harmed. The outlook worsens
when this is coupled with the rest of the food production chain: transporting
animals from factory to abattoir and back to factory, to be cleaned then
packaged, and distributing the finished product. The majority of studies
indicate 10-25% off all emissions that currently hit the Earth’s atmosphere
stem from the meat production process. Studies from 2007 suggest rearing
animals for food constitutes around 80% of agricultural emissions. This is
likely to have increased further when considering in 2004 the Environmental
Protection Agency stated agriculture contributed to 14% of the world’s
greenhouse gas emissions. If in 2007 it was projected as being between 10-25%,
in 2015 it is likely to have reached the latter end of the percentage, or even
bypassed it.
30% of land is currently used for rearing animals for meat
production. There are suggestions that this is as high as 38% — in the 2011
article “Five Scenarios for 2050: Conditions for Agriculture and Land Use” the
authors claim 38% of global land resources are used for agricultural ends. The
largest amount of this percentage is used for grazing animals. 11% of land is
arable, meaning sustainable for plant and crop growth, with 33% of the arable
land used for animal feed production; 33% of all arable land is being used to
feed animals that will ultimately feed us. So around a third of all Earth’s
land is used to bring animals into existence and then slaughter them. Mass
production of meat drains around 10 times the amount of water than plant-based
products do. Some reports consider this is a generous forecast and suggest it
is likely to be much higher than that.
We can get more from less with wheat, corn and soya bean
growth and consumption than with meat. Would it be so difficult to eat less
Good News for Pets
The increase in pet ownership has coincided with a tendency
to treat pets as members of the family, thereby encouraging the purchase of
higher-priced premium goods that claim to possess special benefits,
formulations or specialized ingredients. As a result, industry revenue is
expected to grow to $23.6 billion. Over the past five years, pet parenthood has
become more prevalent among consumers. Indeed, as birth rates declined
following the recession, pet ownership has served as an alternative to outright
parenthood. Pet parents are typically more willing to splurge on organic and
premium pet food products. Profit margins are expected to reach 15.6% of
revenue in 2015. The largest pet food companies, including Mars and Nestle,
will continue to develop and market formulas that boast advanced benefits for
pets, such as age-specific nutrients and all-natural ingredients, which command
premium margins.
Pet ownership is projected to continue to grow over the next
five years, partly because rising disposable income will allow more consumers
to afford owning pets. “In the five years to 2020, the number of pets is
projected to grow, thereby bolstering demand for pet food products.”
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