MAILSTROM "I have no country to fight for; my country is the Earth, and I am a citizen of the World." - Eugene V. Debs
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
Not all bad news
The depletion of mineral reserves poses no serious threat to
society, the Adam Smith Institute, a right-wing think-tank, has concluded.
The world is not running out of valuable minerals; claims
from environmentalist groups are based on a misunderstanding of industry
terminology. Reserves are only a measurement of the minerals we know we can
mine and make usable in the near future. Mineral reserve numbers have nothing
to do with how much of the actual element can eventually be recovered. The
reserves for minerals used in fertilizers, such as phosphate and potassium, may
exhaust in the next few decades, but the exhaustion of resources is not
estimated to occur until 1,000 – 7,000 years time.
Mineral reserves are simply the minerals that have been
prepared for use for the next few decades; they are minerals that can be mined
with current technology at current prices. Some reserves are going to run out
in the near future, but this is a normal process. Every generation runs out of
mineral reserves. Mineral resources, however, refer to a concentration of
minerals of a certain quality and quantity that have shown reasonable prospects
for eventual economic extraction. These are much larger than mineral reserves.
Most people assume that mineral reserves are what we have left that we can use.
This is not so: mineral reserves are only what we have prepared for us to use
in the next few decades. As such, it’s really no surprise at all that mineral
reserves are generally recorded as being going to last for the next few years.
Organic farming, for example, may be a useful idea but the
idea that it is a necessity because we’re about to run out of inorganic
fertilisers is based on a falsehood. The reserves for minerals used in
fertilizers may exhaust in the next few hundred years, but the exhaustion of
resources is not estimated to occur for 1,400 years for phosphate and 7,300
years for potassium. The report concludes that efforts to conserve and/or
recycle mineral resources are wasteful and often end up being net harms to
society, by diverting economic activity from more productive uses.
According to the ILO, involves more than 120 million children between the ages of five and 14 around the world.
Despite being a vibrant economic zone, Asia Pacific is the region with the largest incidents of child labour, with a reported 18.8 percent of the 650 million working children around the world.
Children around the region are found to be working in a broad range of economic sectors, from garment factories in Bangladesh, to sugarcane plantations in Cambodia, and fishing boats in the Philippines. Other sectors include seafood processing, entertainment, mining, scavenging and domestic labour.
Many factors influence the prevalence of child labour, with poverty being the root cause of children having to work.
Despite being a vibrant economic zone, Asia Pacific is the region with the largest incidents of child labour, with a reported 18.8 percent of the 650 million working children around the world.
Children around the region are found to be working in a broad range of economic sectors, from garment factories in Bangladesh, to sugarcane plantations in Cambodia, and fishing boats in the Philippines. Other sectors include seafood processing, entertainment, mining, scavenging and domestic labour.
Many factors influence the prevalence of child labour, with poverty being the root cause of children having to work.
In a bid to overhaul the country’s child labour laws, the
Indian government has banned the employment of children below 14 years of age
in various commercial ventures, while permitting them to work in family
enterprises and on farmlands after school hours and during vacations. The Act
defines 64 industries as hazardous, deeming it a criminal offence for children
to employed in any of them. While parents or guardians will not face any
punishment for the first offence, a maximum fine of about 150 dollars will be
levied for the second and subsequent offences. The new amendment will, however,
permit kids to work in “non-hazardous” businesses, the entertainment industry
(including films, advertisements and TV serials) and sporting events from the
18 occupations and 65 processes specified under the 1986 law.
Indian Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi, who helms the child
rights non-profit organisation Bachpan Bachao Andolan, has been calling for a
ban on every form of child labour in India for kids up to 14 years of age. Activists
fear that the provision allowing children to help out in domestic or
family-based occupations will enable families to flout or skirt the new law.
“The new amendment will push millions of innocent children
into forced labour and deprive them of education and a normal childhood,”
Rakesh Slenger of Bachpan Bachao Andolan told IPS. “The girl child will be
particularly disadvantaged as she will be denied education while being stuck
with all the household work.” Experts also fear this loophole violates the
spirit of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which India
signed and ratified in 1992. The worst off will be kids from marginalized
backgrounds who need to equip themselves with an education and job skills in
Asia’s third largest economy to brighten their employment prospects. Experts
also allege the government is overlooking the fact that even in household
enterprises, children still remain vulnerable to exploitation and health
hazards, which impacts their education.
The 2011 census puts the number at 4.35 million working
children in the 5-14 age bracket. One in every 100 full-time workers in India
is under the age of 14, and a third of those child workers are under the age of
nine. This augurs ill for a country of 1.25 billion people, 42 percent of whom
are children. Already, many kids are at risk of languishing in an endless cycle
of poverty – an estimated 23 percent of the population survives on less than
1.25 dollars a day – particularly since the government slashed the budget
allocation for the ministry of women and child development by 1.5 billion
dollars this year. Activists say this move could deprive millions of
marginalised Indian kids the chance to turn their lives around.
Kids in the agriculture sector are made to carry heavy loads
and sprinkle harmful pesticides on crops. So-called “family enterprises” are no
better, say experts. This includes such industries as matchbox making, carpet
weaving and gem polishing. In these sectors, where child labour is in high
demand, police raids have highlighted inhumane conditions in which children are
made to work for no pay, with scant food and no access to toilets.
India’s beedi (cigarette)-making industry is particularly
notorious for employing kids as young as seven years old. While government
figures put the total number of workers engaged in this informal industry at
4.4 million, activists claim the real number is nearly double that, totaling
roughly 10 million labourers.
According to the social activist, Amod Kanth, founder of
Prayaas, a non-profit working for children’s welfare, relaxing legislation on
child labour as a means of alleviating poverty is a deeply flawed strategy.
“The move will nullify whatever progress the country has made in getting
children out of forced labour and into school. As it is government surveys are
known to under-report child labour. If child labour is legalised, the situation
will spiral out of control.”
Rather than going in for piecemeal amendments to current
laws, activists say the government should revamp the flagship 1986 Act itself,
which has failed to curb child labour effectively. A new beginning will also
pave way for the rehabilitation of millions of children rescued from
exploitative industries or households, they say.
The Parliamentary Standing Committee On the Child Labour
Amendment Act underscores the fallacy of the government proposing to keep a
check on children working in their homes.
“The Ministry is itself providing loopholes by inserting
this proviso since it would be very difficult to make out whether children are
merely helping their parents or are working to supplement the family income.
Further, allowing children to work after school is detrimental to their health,
as rest and recreation is important for fullest physical and mental development
in the formative years, besides adversely affecting their studies,” states the
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Political Islam: dead end for oppressed people
In light of the many
atrocities committed in the name of Allah this article from the archives ofDiscussion Bulletin by Karl Carlile of the Communist Global Group may be of use
in explaining it a little bit of the cause.
Islamists, have benefited for years from American largesse
via Pakistan and Saudia Arabia when they fought against the USSR in
Afghanistan. Moreover, the alliance between the USA and political Islam is a
very old story whose origins go back to agreements reached between
ultra-reactionary and racist wahhabite monarchy from Saudia Arabia and American
oil companies. This alliance, very useful in the fight against pro-Russian Arab
regimes and for keeping a vigilant watch over the area's oil fields, has never
been recinded. For years, western leaders have found nothing to say against the
Sheiks of the Saudi Arabia and their oppressive regime was never denounced. The
American state cannot then plead not guilty. The
world's foremost military and economic power, has played the part of sheriff only for its
own interests and without paying any attention to the needs of local
populations, who have paid for many decades the price of a regional order which
has to guarantee capital accumulation forever on a world scale.
This situation contributed to the radicalization of certain
parts of the Middle East mid Central Asian populations and took the form of a
dissent more and more borrowing its weapons from Islamic ideology. The story is
that this utterly backwards ideology - expression of the failure of the ruling
classes of these areas to create the economic and social conditions for modem
capitalism - far from supplying a well-fitted frame to the justified revolt of
the oppressed people, traps them in an outdated fight, whose true goal is to
subordinate the more mid more oppressed "faithful" to the whole of
the "Muslim" ruling classes. What is there in common between the
young unemployed in Gaza or Algiers and the billionaires from the Gulf or
ruling classes from the area's states, except religious belonging? Obviously
nothing. Islam is used here only to create a fake community between
"Muslim" oppressors and oppressed which the area's proletariat never
cease to pay for. Political Islamism, as a substitute for the class struggle,
has also been chosen by minority fractions of inimigrant youth in Europe
(France and Belgium particulary). Here, resentment has been fed by mass
unemployment and racism and has been made use of by some religious groups. The
real revolt has then been trapped in the reactionary ghetto of Islam, of the
oumma (Faithfull community), which has contributed, along with the surrounding
racism, to isolate these rebellious people from working class people of
European extraction. In the end this plays the game of all those, from
governments to bosses, who have an interest in dividing exploited people.
Many Muslims have been declaring that all Muslims must obey
the declaration of a holy. This view that emanates from many Muslims flies in
the face of the facts. Muslims have over the years violently attacked each
In any anti-war
movement we cannot take either the side.
fundamentalism, and Islam in general, is a sectarian religious ideology and
even political philosophy and practice. It essentially promotes the class
interests of imperialism. Muslim and Christian fundamentalism are particularly
sectarian. Muslim fundamentalism has been effectively promoting polarization
between Eastern and Western workers at a time when the globalisation of the
working class into a unified political reality is an urgent necessity. While
attacking racism it sustains racism a multiplicity of ways because it is
inherently racist.
fundamentalism is contradictory. While actively sustained by imperialism it at
the same time attacks imperialism its very source of nourishment. In many ways
Muslim fundamentalism is similar to Stalinism. Stalinism is a counter
revolutionary force that prevents the existence of communism. Consequently it
serves imperialism's interests. Yet to maintain its unique role as a counter
revolutionary form it has acted, at the same time, in a way that obstructs
imperialism. This generates conflict between the two forces. The Cold War was
just such a conflict.
Muslim fundamentalism
is a religious and political ideology and practice that is petty bourgeois. It
serves the class interests of small capital. It is this that makes it
reactionary. However the very fact that it serves the interests of small
capital in the context of increasing capitalist globalisation is what lends it
its acutely anachronistic image in the eyes of the Western working class. However
it is its specific class character that gives it its appeal to the masses that
exist outside of western capitalist society. Its representation of the
interests of small capital means that it expresses a hostility to big capital.
And what bigger capital than US imperialist capital -- the Great Satan. It is
this hostility by small capital against big capital that gives its
anti-imperialist appearance. It is this anti-imperialist appearance that lends
its anti-oppressive appearance. Consequently the Muslim masses identify with
it. Despite its anti-imperialist appearance it ultimately serves imperialism
class interests --essentially it cannot exist independently of global
capitalism. Muslim fundamentalism is a politics of the image. This is why it
presents itself as pageantry -- religious rhetoric, images, long beards etc.
This form of politics assumes a religious form because it is a politics of
appearance.And what more suitable a form for such a contradictory politics than
its disguising itself in religious -- the class image system.
Islamic fundamentalism's reactionary character does not
necessarily mean that it is a force with a programme that makes no sense. It
may be that Islamic fundamentalism as much as imperialism sees the strategic
and economic global importance of Central Asia and the Middle East. This may be
partly why these two regions are central to its actions. As with imperialism it
too is seeking to maximise its influence and even control of these regions.
Control of these regions will place Islamic fundmanentalism in a vastly greater
strategic position in its struggle with imperialism. Its commercial power will
correspondingly increase because of its being the source of rich oil reserves.
Its colonisation of these strategic regions means that it is well positioned to
further deepen and broaden its ideological and geopolitical influence.
To artificially
collapse Islamic fundamentalism into a naive extremist medieval politics that
can never really get anywhere is a little naive. Islamic fundamentalism may be
perceived by the Western masses as extremist and even insane. To limit
perception to the level of appearances is to miss the real point. It is to ignore the fact that Islamic
fundamentalism is anti-imperialist. It is anti-imperialist in the sense that it
struggles to establish an economic and political space in which Islamic
indigenous capital can develop --a pan Islamic state from the Caucasus to
Arabia. Because of the strength of contemporary imperialism it is no longer
possible to achieve an independent capitalist class within national boundaries
Islamic fundamentalism struggle to promote a capitalist class that exists
independently of imperialism from a regional platform as opposed to the context
of the nation state. Islamic fundamentalism is not anti-capitalist. But it is
anti-imperialist. It represents the class interests of non-imperialist
capitalism. Islamic capitalism exists in an atrophied form. Being capital it
strives to enlarge itself and break free from the stranglehold of imperialist
capital. Given that US imperialism is the leading imperialist power it
concentrates it fire on it. Its strategy is designed to split the other
imperialist powers from US imperialims as a means of weakening imperialism and
thereby defeating it. The Islamic bourgeoisie struggles to emancipate itself
from imperialism by setting up the regional political conditions that
facilitates its efforts to establish its independence. Because imperialism is
so globally powerful and Islamic capitalism so relatively powerless it must
resort to the most radical means to establish conditions that facilitate its
independent economic development vis a vis imperialist capitalism. Because of
the relative strength of the Islamic working class it is forced to cloak its
bourgeois aims in the form of religion. This is the basis for the emergence of
Islamic fundamentalism as a prominent force in Asia.
Because of
the strength of imperialism and the weakness of Islamic capitalism it is
prepared to engage in extreme actions such as suicide bombings of one sort or
another. Because of the potential
strength of the Asian working class and the relative weakness of the Islamic
bourgeoisie it cannot seriously mobilise the working class without the danger
of its own property interests being challenged. Consequently it is prepared to
engage in extreme terror to promote its class interests while the working class
is reduced to the role of passive audience that watches the stage show
unfolding. Islamic capitalism ideologically assumes the form of Islamic
fundamentalism. Islamic capitalism constitutes a brand of Islam so restrictive
as to ensure that the threat from imperialist capital and the organised working
class is ideologically precluded while its very fundamentalist nature is so
strong as to ensure that the cohesive unity of its supporters is maintained in
the face of overwhelming odds. It is also a religious ideology that transcends,
by its nature, the bounds of the colonialist artificially imposed nation states
to proclaim a pan-Islamic state. Islamic
fundamentalism's anti-imperialism is not congenitally anti-imperialist. Only
the working class can display an authentic anti-imperialism. Consequently
Islamic fundamentalism while ostensibly anti-imperialist is ultimately
pro-imperialist. This is its problem -- its contradiction.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Friday, June 26, 2015
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Bill Clinton's Legacy
15 ways Bill Clinton’s presidency did not serve the people
or the world, and in many ways deepened and perpetuated the problems we face
1. Prison-loving
president. In May, on the heels of the unrest in Baltimore sparked by Freddie
Gray’s death in police custody, Clinton apologized for locking too many people
up. Thanks, Bill.
The 2.4 million people in prison and the 160,000 Americans
serving life in prison largely because of his policies might be excused for not
accepting Clinton's apology. Tag-teaming with ex-President Ronald Reagan,
Clinton is the president most responsible for the mass incarceration of
Americans on an epic scale. The gung-ho crime fighter-in-chief passed the
single most damaging law with his omnibus federal crime bill in 1994, which
included the infamous “three strikes” law (three felony convictions means a
life sentence) and ensured that mandatory minimum sentences imprisoned even
low-level, non-violent offenders for a long, long time.
Clinton discussed his regrets about the crime bill with
CNN's Christiane Amanpour. "The problem is the way it was written and
implemented is we cast too wide a net and we had too many people in
prison," he said. "And we wound up... putting so many people in
prison that there wasn't enough money left to educate them, train them for new
jobs and increase the chances when they came out so they could live productive
All true, except it was not just lack of funds that
eliminated education and rehabilitation programs in prison, it was a deliberate
choice. Sensing the political popularity of being tough on crime, Clinton fully
embraced the lock-'em-up-and-throw-away-the-key mentality, and gloated about
three strikes. It strains credulity to think that this exceptionally
intelligent man did not understand the dire consequences of what he was doing,
as his wife now says.
Clinton’s Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of
1994 helped set the national mood. Dozens of states followed with their own
mandatory minimum laws. While there is some talk today of criminal justice
reform on a minor level (like for low-level drug offenses), no one is talking
about the all-but-forgotten population doing hard time thanks in large part to
2. Punitive welfare reform. The consequences of Bill
Clinton’s welfare reform bill have been devastating for millions of American
families. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act
of 1996 took a page directly from Republican Speaker of the House Newt
Gingrich’s Contract with America. In an atmosphere steeped in decades of
conservative scaremongering around the specter of sexually reckless “welfare
queens,” Clinton’s 1992 campaign promise to “end welfare as we know it” played
directly to white voters' fears of black crime and poverty. Twenty years after
scrapping the longstanding Aid to Families with Dependent Children in favor of
the right wing’s underfunded and more punitive vision, the number of poor
American children has exploded and black welfare recipients are subject to the
system’s most stringent rules.
In 2012, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities found
that while “in 1996, for every 100 families with children living in poverty,
TANF [Temporary Assistance for Needy Families] provided cash aid to 68
families,” that number plunged to 27 out of every 100 families living in
poverty by 2010. Conservatives trumpet these numbers, often citing the fact
that nationally, TANF enrollment fell 58 percent between 1995-2010. But they
neglect to mention that the number of poor families with children rose 17
percent in the same period.
Sociologist Joe Soss, who has examined the long-term racial
consequences of welfare reform, which allowed states to decide how funds were
allotted and eligibility determined, also noted that, “all of the states with
more African Americans on the welfare rolls chose tougher rules…[E]ven though
the Civil Rights Act prevents the government from creating different programs
for black and white recipients, when states choose according to this pattern,
it ends up that large numbers of African Americans get concentrated in the
states with the toughest rules, and large numbers of white recipients get
concentrated in the states with the more lenient rules.”
3. Wall Street’s
Deregulator-in-Chief. As president,
Clinton outdid the GOP when it came to unleashing Wall Street’s worst
instincts, by supporting and signing into law more financial deregulation
legislation than any other president, according to the Columbia Journalism
He didn’t just push the Democrats controlling the House to
pass a bill (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act) that dissolved the Depression-era
Glass-Steagall law, which barred investment banks from commercial banking
activities. He deregulated the risky derivatives market (Commodity Futures
Modernization Act), gutted state regulation of banks (Riegle-Neal) leading to a
wave of banking mergers, and reappointed Alan Greenspan as Federal Reserve chair.
In recent years, Clinton has ludicrously claimed that the GOP forced him to do
this, which led in no small part to the global financial crisis of 2008 and the
too-big-to-fail ethos, with the federal government obligated to bail out
multinational banks while doing little for individual account holders.
“What happened?” he told CNN in 2013. “The American people
gave the Congress to a group of very conservative Republicans. When they passed
bills with veto-proof majority with a lot of Democrats voting for it, that I
couldn’t stop, all of a sudden we turn out to be maniacal deregulators. I mean,
come on.” As CJR put it, “This is, to be kind, bullshit,” reciting a list of
Clinton deregulatory actions that began while Democrats were the majority,
starting with appointing “Robert Rubin and Larry Summers in the Treasury, which
officially did in Glass-Steagall and the Commodity Futures Modernization Act,
which left the derivatives market a laissez-faire Wild West.”
CJR concludes, “The bottom line is: Bill Clinton was
responsible for more damaging financial deregulation—and thus, for the [2008]
financial crisis—than any other president.”
4. Gutted
manufacturing via trade agreements. Bill Clinton helped gut America’s
manufacturing base by promoting and passing the North American Free Trade
Agreement, or NAFTA, in 1993, when Democrats controlled Congress. That
especially resonates today, when another Democratic president, Barack Obama,
and Republicans in Congress, are allied against labor unions and liberal Democrats
to pass its like-minded descendant, the Trans Pacific Partnership. “NAFTA
signaled that the Democratic Party—the “progressive” side of the U.S. two-party
system—had accepted the reactionary economic ideology of Ronald Reagan,” wrote
Jeff Faux, on the Economic Policy Institute Working Economics Blog.
In 1979, then-candidate Reagan proposed a trade pact between
the U.S., Canada and Mexico. But the Democrats who controlled the Congress
would not approve it until Clinton pushed it in his first year in office. NAFTA
has affected U.S. workers in four major ways, EPI said. It caused the permanent
loss of 700,000 manufacturing jobs in industrial states such as California,
Texas and Michigan. It gave corporate managers an excuse to cut wages and
benefits, threatening otherwise to move to Mexico. Selling U.S. farm products
in Mexico “dislocated millions of Mexican workers and their families,” which
“was a major cause in the dramatic increase in undocumented workers flowing
into the U.S. labor market.” And NAFTA became a “template for rules of the
emerging global economy, in which the benefits would flow to capital and the
costs to labor.”
The World Trade Organization, World Bank, International
Monetary Fund all applied NAFTA's principles, which gave corporations the power
to challenge local laws protecting health and safety if they cut into
profits—like labeling tobacco packaging. The NAFTA “doctrine of socialism for
capital and free markets for labor” could also be seen in the way the U.S.
government “organized the rescue of the world’s banks and corporate investors
and let workers fend for themselves” in the Mexican peso crisis of 1994-'95,
the Asian financial crash of 1997, and the global financial meltdown of
5. No LGBT
equality: Defense of Marriage Act. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was one
of conservatives' biggest victories in the 1990s. Passed by Congress and signed
into law by Clinton in 1996, the bill defined spouse as
"heterosexual" and deprived legally wed same-sex couples of many
significant benefits, from Social Security benefits to hospital visitation
rights. It allowed states to refuse legal recognition of couples married in
other states.
Writing in the New Yorker, Clinton's former advisor on gay
issues, Richard Socarides, addressed why he signed the wildly discriminatory
legislation. For one thing, Socarides said that Clinton's political opponents
outmaneuvered him. He also chalks up the president's decision as "a
failure to imagine how quickly gay rights would evolve." The former
president was hardly an ardent supporter of the legislation. The New York Times
noted, "Mr. Clinton considered it a gay-baiting measure, but was unwilling
to risk re-election by vetoing it."
But the damage was done. For almost a decade, same-sex
couples suffered financial and emotional hardships. Gay couples weren't allowed
to make medical decisions for their partners, couldn't get the major tax breaks
afforded to heterosexual couples, and faced unequal treatment in many other
areas of law. In 2013, Clinton stated his opposition to the law. That year, in
a major gay rights victory, the Supreme Court declared DOMA’s Section 3 (which
defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman) unconstitutional. Today,
37 states have legalized same-sex marriage, and in coming days, the Supreme
Court is expected to do so.
6. Expanded the
war on drugs. Although Clinton called for treatment instead of prison for drug
offenders during his 1992 campaign, once in office he reverted to the same drug
war strategies of his Republican predecessors. He rejected the U.S. Sentencing
Commission's recommendation to eliminate the disparity between crack and powder
cocaine sentences. He rejected lifting the federal ban on funding for needle
exchange programs. He placed a permanent eligibility ban on food stamps for
anyone convicted of a felony drug offense, even marijuana possession. And he
prohibited felons from living in public housing.
He also championed the 1994 crime bill, a $30 effort that
included more mandatory minimum sentences for crack cocaine, extra funds for
states that severely punished convicts, limited judges' discretion in
sentencing, and allocated billions for federal prison construction and
expansion. During Clinton's tenure, federal prison spending jumped $19 billion
(171%), while funding for public housing declined by $17 billion (61%). Under
Clinton, nearly $1 billion in state spending shifted from education to prisons.
The U.S. prison population doubled from about 600,000 to
about 1.2 million during the Clinton years, and the federal prison population
swelled even more dramatically, driven almost entirely by drug war
prosecutions. Yet a month before leaving office, Clinton said in a Rolling
Stone interview that "we really need a re-examination of our entire policy
on imprisonment" of drug users and that pot smoking "should be
decriminalized." If only he had acted on those sentiments when it mattered.
7. Expanded the
death penalty. When running for president in 1992, then-Arkansas Gov. Clinton
allowed his state to execute Ricky Ray Rector, a convicted murderer with severe
mental impairments. Despite much criticism, Clinton's decision not to commute
the sentence not only established his tough-on-crime credentials as a national
candidate, it also became a precedent to the expansion of the federal death
penalty under his White House.
Clinton’s 1994 crime bill expanded the death penalty to 60
additional crimes including three that don’t involve murder: espionage, treason
and drug trafficking in large amounts. Throughout his presidency he ignored
calls for a national moratorium on federal executions. In April 1996, Clinton
followed up and signed the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act
(AEDPA) into law. Introduced by Kansas Republican Sen. Bob Dole in response to
the Oklahoma City bombings in 1995, it severely restricted the ability of
federal judges to grant relief in cases, reduced trials for convicted criminals
and sped up the sentencing process.
In 2011, Troy Davis, an African American convicted of
killing an off-duty cop, was put to death in Georgia. Davis’ case sparked
nationwide protests as many believed he was innocent. There was no evidence
linking him to the crime and seven witnesses who helped put him on Death Row
later recanted their testimony.
Many believe Bill Clinton helped seal Davis’ fate years
before. Many of Davis’ appeals were denied for procedural reasons and his 2004 petition,
which included the recanted testimony and the possible identity of the killer,
was rejected by the federal judge since, under current regulations, such
evidence has to be presented first in state court. Davis’ defense was unable to
do that because, shortly before AEDPA became law, Congress slashed $20 million
from post-conviction legal defense organizations. In a piece in Time, Brendan
Lowe quoted Dale Baich, an assistant federal public defender in Arizona: “The
bottom line is that the AEDPA is very harsh and unforgiving.”
8. Returned to
Cold War priorities. As the Soviet Union collapsed, the U.S. under President
George H.W. Bush forged ahead with the same imperialist stance toward Europe.
As Bush's successor, Clinton had an historic opportunity to attempt a
cooperative, non-aggressive international model based on international law.
While his administration frequently gave lip service to these ideals, a
far-reaching economic and political agenda to bring Eastern Europe into the
NATO-E.U.-U.S. orbit was in the works. As Clinton's former national security
advisor Anthony Lake summarized, "Throughout the cold war, we contained a
global threat to market democracies: now we should seek to enlarge their
reach." And enlarge they did.
The Clinton administration intervened massively across the
former Soviet satellite states of Eastern Europe, with direct interventions in
the Balkans through NATO, corporate buyouts of industry from Poland to the
Czech Republic, and the notorious "shock doctrine" of neoliberal
economic reforms in exchange for IMF loans: cutting wages and corporate taxes,
increasing working hours and slashing social programs. Bringing the Baltic
states and Eastern Bloc countries into military arrangements associated with
NATO, and establishing a major military garrison in the Balkans, Bill Clinton
set the stage for the clash on Russia's border in Ukraine currently overseen by
Obama, which could last for decades and undermine the process of integrating
Russia into the industrialized world.
9. Joycelyn
Elders and the culture war. At a 1994 U.N. Conference on AIDS, the U.S. Surgeon
General, Joycelyn Elders, was asked if “a more explicit discussion and
promotion of masturbation” could help limit the spread of the virus. Elders
said she was “a very strong advocate” of teaching sex education in schools “at
a very early age.” She added, “As per your specific question in regard to
masturbation, I think that it is something that is a part of human sexuality
and it’s a part of something that perhaps should be taught. But we’ve not even
taught our children the very basics.”
Less than a month later, Elders was asked for her
resignation. She had spent just 15 month serving as Surgeon General of the
Public Health Service under the Clinton administration. As Arkansas governor,
Clinton had appointed her director of the state’s Health Department, the first
African American to hold the title.
Elders later clarified that she'd suggested not to teach
schoolchildren how to masturbate, but that masturbation is a natural part of
human sexuality. “People have taken a lot of things I’ve said in a most unusual
way,” she said. However, Clinton White House chief of staff Leon E. Panetta
said her comment was, “just one too many,” and her remarks on masturbation were
“not what a surgeon general should say.” Elders has also endorsed legalizing drugs
and giving out birth control in high schools.
Then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich said, "It's good for
the country and good for the president that she's departed." But as the
New York Times reported, Elders' dismissal was met with heavy criticism from gay
rights organizations, abortion rights groups and liberal organizations like
People for the American Way. The New York City chapter of Planned Parenthood
commented, "Mr. Clinton will be making a serious political mistake if he
continues to try to out-Newt Mr. Gingrich.”
10. Turning
Lincoln Bedroom into fundraising condo. The Lincoln Bedroom is an historic
bedroom on the second floor of the White House that was at one time Abraham
Lincoln's personal office. Under Clinton, it served another purpose: an overnight
apartment for top political donors. Between 1995 and 1996, donors who gave a
total of $5.4 million to the Democratic National Committee—including
businessman William Rollnick, who gave $235,000 to the DNC, and investor Dirk
Ziff, who gave $411,000—stayed overnight as White House guests.
Clinton had few doubts about the idea. When originally
pitched to him in a note by deputy chief of staff Harold Ickes, the president
responded, “Ready to start overnights right away.” Sadly, Clinton started a
trend. On the campaign trail, George W. Bush criticized Clinton for “virtually
renting out the Lincoln Bedroom to big campaign donors.” Yet when Bush took
office he continued the practice, handing the location over to donors who had
given him over $100,000 and personal friends, including Texas oilman Joe
O'Neill and Republican National Committee fundraiser Brad Freeman.
11. Bombed
Sudanese pharmaceutical plant. On Aug. 20, 1998 the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical
factory in Khartoum North, Sudan was annihilated by a cruise missile strike
launched by the Clinton administration. President Clinton claimed the plant was
making a deadly nerve agent and maintained connections to Osama bin Laden, who
was unknown to most Americans at the time. Sudan claimed it was a factory producing
medicines that saved thousands.
The factory’s owner, Salah Idris, denied the allegations
vehemently and unsuccessfully tried to sue the U.S. government. According to a
U.K. Guardian story, the plant "provided 50 percent of Sudan’s medicines”
and was the country’s main source of anti-malaria drugs. Germany’s ambassador
to Sudan, Werner Daum, says the bombing led to "several tens of thousands
of deaths” and Human Rights Watch wrote a letter to the president explaining
how it had slowed down relief efforts in the region. In his book, Al-Qaeda:
Casting a Shadow of Terror, Jason Burke credits the bombing with bolstering
terrorism: “[it] confirmed to [bin Laden and his cohorts], and others with
similar views worldwide, that their conception of the world as a cosmic
struggle between good and evil was the right one.” Noam Chomsky has written
that the bombing’s consequences “may be comparable” to the attacks of September
12. Doubled down
on Iraq sanctions. Due to President George W. Bush’s disastrous war of choice
in Iraq, people forget Bill Clinton’s Iraq humanitarian disaster: U.S.
sanctions that decimated the Iraqi economy, crippled the civilian
infrastructure, and according to a 1999 UNICEF survey, ultimately led to the
deaths of more than 500,000 children. Though the sanctions began under
President George H.W. Bush in 1990, Clinton expanded them, insisting a week
before he took office in 1993, “There is no difference between my policy and
the policy of the [Bush] administration” and squashing any subsequent effort to
rein them in.
In 1996, Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeleine Albright
continued to defend the sanctions. By 2000, some members of Congress cited an
increasing number of reports of the humanitarian crisis, calling for an end to
sanctions. House Democratic Whip David Bonior referred to it as “infanticide
masquerading as policy.” But Clinton refused to budge, defending the policy
until the end of his presidency in 2001. Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden cited
the sanctions as one of his primary motives behind the 9/11 attacks on New York
City and Washington, DC later that year.
13. Political
smears: Sistah Souljah. Clinton was highly regarded by African Americans during
the 1992 election cycle for his ability to articulate how racism impacted their
communities. However, when it mattered most, he dropped the ball on race when
it was completely unnecessary. It started when he blasted hop-hop artist Sistah
Souljah over her comments in a Washington Post article about the Los Angeles
riots, which were sparked by the acquittal of several Los Angeles policemen who
beat truck driver Rodney King. “If black people kill black people every day,
why not have a week and kill white people?” she said.
Souljah claims she was misquoted. However, a few weeks later,
both she and Clinton spoke at Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition conference in
Washington. Clinton used his appearance to criticize her statements, saying,
“We can’t get anywhere in this country pointing the finger at one another
across racial lines.” He compared her remarks to former KKK wizard David
As Matt Bai wrote for Yahoo, Clinton was not going to lose
black votes by calling the rapper out. Black people were (and still are) hyper
loyal to the Democratic Party. But since Clinton is being reflective about his
presidency, perhaps he needs to go back to 1992 and rethink why he used his
time at the Rainbow Coalition to appeal to a segment of white voters who may
have wanted to see him distance himself from Rev. Jackson, still a key leader
in the Democratic Party at the time.
If you read the full Washington Post coverage and listen to
some of Sistah Souljah's commentary on white supremacy, you’ll see she makes
some valuable points about anti-blackness and structural racism that are worth
considering. But Clinton chose not to delve into that. Instead, he preferred to
sell a sistah out and play the saxophone on the Arsenio Hall show.
14. Knew about
coming Rwandan genocide. This might be Clinton’s worst foreign policy failure.
Intelligence analysts knew in advance about the plans for the Hutu-led genocide
against Tutsis in Rwanda, yet the White House did nothing to try to stop it. In
2013, Clinton told MSNBS that he could have sent some 10,000 U.S. troops to the
Central African nation to support a U.N. peacekeeping force and perhaps saved
300,000 lives—about a third of those who perished.
In retrospect, Clinton said, “You can’t stop everything bad
that's happening.” He pointed to his success ending sectarian violence in
Northern Ireland, the Bosnian war and the 1993 Oslo Accord between Israel and
the Palestinians. The fact remains that the White House knew one of the worst
genocides since World War II was coming, and did not try to halt it.
15. Escalated
America's foreign drug wars. In Clinton's second term, he initiated Plan
Colombia, a multibillion-dollar effort to reduce that country's coca and
cocaine production and end a decades-long war between Bogota and leftist FARC
rebels. While Colombian President Andres Pastrana Arango originally envisioned
the initiative as an economic development, roughly 80% of U.S. aid under Plan
Colombia was military assistance, making Colombia the third largest recipient
of foreign aid after Israel and Egypt.
Plan Colombia strengthened the Colombian military, which was
allied with rightist paramilitary groups. It made gains against the drug trade
and the FARC, but at a huge cost. Tens of thousands of civilians were killed
and hundreds of thousands became internal refugees. Concern over human rights
abuses in the Colombian security forces resulted in the passage of the Leahy
Provision, which barred anti-drug aid to any military unit involved in human
rights abuses.
And then there was Mexico. Early this year when in Mexico,
Clinton apologized for the U.S. role in the war on drugs and also for NAFTA,
both of which led to violence. “I wish you had no narco-trafficking, but it’s
not really your fault,” he said. Clinton’s policies were a double blow for
Mexico. He deepened the drug war’s efforts to reduce U.S. domestic drug use by
interdicting flows from abroad, forever changing the nature of Mexico's
contraband economy from small-time mom-and-pop operations to the immensely
wealthy, powerful and violent cartels of today. Meanwhile, NAFTA opened the
floodgates to illegal drugs hidden in the massive flows of legitimate commerce
across the border. Large corporations weren't the only beneficiaries of free
trade; so were Mexican drug traffickers.
Join the socialists in a refusal to vote for evil, either of
the lesser or the greater sort. This is the only way we can avoid a repeat
performance with Hillary.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Afghanistan - What are the facts
The United States has poured over 100 billion dollars into
developing and rebuilding this country of just over 30 million people. This is
not including the aid and funding provided by its allies. The United States
Agency for International Development (USAID) say that higher life expectancy
outcomes, better healthcare facilities and improved education access represent
the ‘positive’ side of U.S. intervention. So from this perspective, the
estimated 26,000 civilian casualties as a direct result military action must be
viewed as a reasonable price to pay for the fact that people are now living
longer, fewer mothers are dying while giving birth, and more children are going
to school. However, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan
Reconstruction (SIGAR) suggests that “much of the official happy talk on
reconstruction should be taken with a grain of salt.
John F. Sopko, the Special Inspector General, pointed out
that funds allocated to rebuilding Afghanistan now “exceed the value of the
entire Marshall Plan effort to rebuild Western Europe after World War II….Unfortunately,
from the outset to this very day large amounts of taxpayer dollars have been lost
to waste, fraud, and abuse. These disasters often occur when the U.S. officials
who implement and oversee programs fail to distinguish fact from fantasy.”
USAID has invested approximately 769 million dollars in
Afghanistan’s education sector and the number of enrolled students from an
estimated 900,000 in 2002 to more than eight million in 2013. Sopko claimed
that a top USAID official believed there to be roughly four million children in
school – less than half the figure on which current funding commitments is
based. The education ministry continues to count students as ‘enrolled’ even if
they have been absent from school for three years. Two Afghan ministers cited
local media reports to inform parliament about fraud in the education sector,
alleging that former officials who served under President Hamid Karzai had
falsified data on the number of active schools in Afghanistan in order to
receive continued international funding. According to the United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) office in Kabul, the
country continues to boast one of the lowest literacy rates in the world,
standing at approximately 31 percent of the population aged 15 years of age and
older. There are also massive geographic and gender-based gaps, with female
literacy levels falling far below the national average, at just 17 percent, and
varying hugely across regions, with a 34-percent literacy rate in Kabul
compared to a rate of just 1.6 percent in two southern provinces.
Discrepancies between official statistics and reality are
not limited to the education sector but manifest in almost all areas of the
reconstruction process. Take the issue of life expectancy, which USAID claimed
last year had increased from 42 years in 2002 to over 60 years in 2014. If
accurate, this would represent a tremendous stride towards better overall
living conditions for ordinary Afghans. But SIGAR has cited a number of
different statistics, including data provided by the Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) World Factbook and the United Nations Population Division, which
offer much lower numbers for the average life span – some as low as 50 years.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Makes you think
87 percent of Americans describe themselves as either
"middle class," "upper-middle class," or "lower-middle
class." So it's no wonder politicians use it. About nine out of 10
Americans think the politician is talking about them. But nearly half the population
wouldn't be able to cover an unexpected $400 expense through savings or their
credit card and would have to cover it by selling something or borrowing money.
A quarter of households are 'asset poor', meaning that they
wouldn't be able to subsist at the poverty level for three months following a
job loss, medical emergency or sudden need to fix car. This measure includes
assets like home or business.
If you only count liquid assets, then that number jumps to
almost 44% of households that wouldn't be able to make it in three months.
Take your cut (music video)
Take your Cut
We're all in this together,
and there's a bill that must get paid.
We can fix this mess, together,
if you just do what we say
Take your cut.
We're in this mess one nation,
the nice folk and the rest.
Each of us to their station;
society or pest.
Take your cut.
Blame it all on the shirkers,
those who lay behind their blinds.
They betray the toil of the workers,
it weighs on our beautiful minds.
Take your cut.
We are the same as you,
yet we are not the same
Take your cut.
You can blame it all on the shirkers,
those you lay behind their blinds.
They betray the toil of the workers,
it weighs heavy on our beautiful minds.
And the pain you bear,
though we won't be there,
weighs heavily.
Take your cut.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Romanians Child Stealers
I simply don't believe it ...
I simply don't believe it ...
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Aiding and Abetting Dictators
Chinese aid to Africa is creating pariah states rather than just
supporting them, claim the authors of the report, ‘Chinese Aid and Africa’s
Pariah States 2000-2011’.
Professors Clionadh Raleigh and Roudabeh Kishi from the
University of Sussex, said although China isn’t targeting pariah states with
aid, “it is making states into pariahs through providing resources to state
leaders who are unafraid to use repression as a means to quell competition. If
the state has complete control over its budget, it will use its position to
bolster its capacity to repress any potential opposition in order to secure its
position,” citing Ethiopia, Zimbabwe and Uganda as examples.
Traditional donor
aid from the West to African nations usually requires the recipient country to
adhere to conditions that support democracy, human rights, electoral
transparency and the fight against corruption. Chinese aid is predominately
directed towards whichever countries satisfies its needs – which include
gaining access to new markets as well as securing its energy requirements – with
a recipient’s institutional quality having no bearing on its choices. The
crucial factor for Chinese aid provision is that it must benefit China; they
also found that countries with a weaker rule of law get more aid as Chinese
businesses are allowed to flourish in such environments.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
State capitalism
Adam Janeczek is a pig farmer located in the village of
Wyborow, a couple hours east of Warsaw.
What was the situation like 23 years ago here at the farm?
If we're talking about the economy, before 1989 there was
money but no goods in the stores. And today there are goods but no money. It's
the reverse. In 1988, I left the country for the first time. I was in Norway.
And there was a store with machines, tractors. I thought stupidly, "Damn,
they have all these products but no one to buy them!" And now that's the
situation with us too. It's a question of money…
…. When the changes took place and firms collapsed, it was
precisely the farmers who suffered. And later it was obvious who was opening
things up here: various city slickers who had capital. And we knew all about
them. For a farmer in Poland, during those years of Communism or socialism or
whatever you call it, there wasn't general poverty. Farming was normal: food
was produced normally. We had private producers in Poland. That's why I say
that there wasn't anything new with these changes, with privatization. All the
time we were working privately.
Fact of the Day
According to the Munich-based Institute for Economic Research,
Germany alone will need an estimated 32 million immigrants by 2035 to maintain
an adequate balance between its working-age and non-working-age population.
In 2014, migrants sent money back to their countries of
origin, mostly the developing countries, amounted to an estimated $436 billion
– a sum that dwarfs the annual total that the international community spends on
official development aid, (financial intermediaries take an average of 9% of
the remittances that migrants send home, reducing the income of migrants'
families back.)
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Sustainable intensification
David Evans, is the Head of Agriculture for Wm Morrison
Supermarket in the UK and the author of a study study to provide food to people
in every society across the planet and provide continuous access to food. He
explains that the solutions will be as much global as they will be local.
The FAO’s definition of food security is one in which “all
people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and
nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active
and healthy life”, he has illustrated the challenges of achieving food security
for the United Nations’ median estimate for the human population of nine
billion in 2050 and 10.5 billion by 2100. The situation is made more
challenging by the fact that the growth is not evenly spread across all
countries; while little expansion or even contraction is expected in developed
countries, the highest rates of growth are forecast in countries such as
Nigeria and India. Furthermore, there is a strong trend of movement from rural
areas to the cities, Evans said, so that, by 2050, 70 per cent of the global
population will live in urban areas – where infra-structure, the provision of
services and adequate earnings are by no means guaranteed.
A megacity, as defined by the United Nations, has a
population of 10 million or more people. In 1990, there were just 10 of these
conurbations in the world, rising to 28 in 2014 and there are forecast to be 41
such habitations by 2050, many of them in west Africa, south Asia and
south-east China. So the areas of the planet that will require food to be
delivered and those where food is produced are likely to diverge even further
than they are today. As the urban areas spread, it will become increasingly
difficult to supply the megacity’s population with food from local sources. And
the quantities of food calculated by Evans to be required by an Asian megacity
of 20 million people, for example, are mind-blowing. Assuming an average daily
consumption of 2.5kg of food per person, 50,000 tonnes or 3,300 fully loaded
articulated trucks would have to enter the city every single day. And while
much of the chicken and pork requirements could be produced locally, 25,000
tonnes of feed would require transportation into the area every week to support
this production, he estimates.
Food systems and food supply systems will need to change
radically to meet these needs, Evans contends. A simple food supply chain
begins with primary production (for example, on the farm) and may go through a
number of stages of primary, secondary and tertiary processing before
distribution and finally, delivery to the consumer outlet, be that a local
street market or supermarket. Food systems, on the other hand, cover the
internal and external factors that influence the delivery of food to the
population, and include such diverse elements as employment, food safety, land
ownership, ethics and environment – in other words, all those factors meeting
the needs of society generally.
A new era of food production needs to start with making
basic nutrition available to all, say 2,700 kcal per day for 10 billion people.
Making the food system sustainable will mean considering then food safety and
nutrition, food supply and economic viability and finally, the responsible use
of the planet’s resources. For the food supply chain, it means the application
of co-operative economics, by which the individual parts of the supply chain
interact with one another to optimise efficiency. Examples of co-operative
economics include group purchasing of inputs, shared skilled human resource
functions, shared equipment and facilities and group marketing of outputs. All
this points to the need for large-scale efficient food systems – a concept
known as sustainable intensification – that is the most likely solution to our
future food supply, Evans said, adding that key focus for future innovations in
the food systems will need to be on addressing concerns regarding the
protection of the environment and scarce resources as well as the ethics around
food production.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
We are all legal
The Ecuadorean government is proposing a law to give all
migrants in the country legal status. President Rafael Correa said, “The right
to migrate is guaranteed in the rules. No human being will be considered
Ecuador is an important migrant destination and has Latin
America’s largest refugee population, largely fueled by the conflict in
neighboring Colombia.
Tuesday, June 09, 2015
The royal nazi
![]() |
King Edward VIII was forced to abdicate in 1936, and soon
took the title of the Duke of Windsor. He has always been known for his
pro-Nazi sympathies. However, the extent of his betrayal could never be fully
verified due to the secrecy of the Royal Archives. Before he abdicated and a
month after Hitler occupied the Rhineland in March 1936, Windsor sent Hitler a
telegram wishing him "happiness and welfare" for his 47th birthday.
Queen Mary had renewed contacts with her German relatives as
early as 1918. This occasion and subsequent visits were not listed in the Court
Circular, as they normally would have been. One guest was Charles Edward Duke of Coburg. In the 1920s he
got involved with a German terrorist group that tried to overthrow the
democratically elected German Republic. Members of the group were involved in
several political murders in the 1920s. Though he did not pull the trigger
himself, Coburg funded these murders. After the failed Hitler Putsch of 1923,
Coburg hid several Hitler supporters on the run in his castles. Hitler would
not forget this great favour and later rewarded Coburg by making him a general.
But he also needed him for something more secretive. In 1933 the Führer was
short of international contacts and did not trust his own foreign ministry. He
therefore used members of the German aristocracy for secret missions. Coburg
was particularly useful in London from 1935 to 1939 and was received in Britain
due to his sister Alice Countess of Athlone’s tireless work. She was Queen
Mary’s sister-in-law and fought for Coburg’s acceptance.
The Duke of Windsor was anti-Semitic. In June 1940 Don
Javier Bermejillo, a Spanish diplomat and old friend of Windsor – he had known
him since the 1920s – reported that the Duke of Windsor blamed “the Jews, the
Reds and the Foreign Office for the war”. Windsor added that he would like to
put Anthony Eden and other British politicians “up against a wall”. Bermejillo
stated that Windsor had already made similar remarks about the Reds and the
Jews to him long before he became King in 1936. In another conversation on June
25 1940 Bermejillo reported that Windsor stressed if one bombed England
effectively this could bring peace. Bermejillo concluded that the Duke of
Windsor seemed very much to hope that this would occur: “He wants peace at any
price.” This report went to Franco and was then passed on to the Germans. The
bombing of Britain started on 10 July albeit probably coincidental.
Monday, June 08, 2015
What's good enough for them is good enough for us
MPs' pay will increase from £67,060 a year to £74,000 – a
10% increase equating to an extra £6,940 a year. MPs are lucky enough to be
have defined benefit pensions which are linked to their final salary and how
long they have served. Having served for just 10 years MPs can walk away with a
quarter of their salary each year for life from their retirement date. That's
now £18,500 a year for doing just a decade of work!
Sunday, June 07, 2015
The Over-Population Myth (video)
It’s not over-population nor food production that’s the problem. We can make enough food for the entire world to eat well. The problem is our economic system, which stands in the way of people having enough to eat.
Saturday, June 06, 2015
Can't afford to be an MP
Adam Afriyie, Conservative MP for Windsor, said that “you
can’t expect an MP to scrabble around on a salary of £67,000”, has put his
house on the market and is in line to make £9.5m profit. Afriyie is estimated
to be worth upwards of £50 million.
Bliar's new job
Tony Blair’s latest appointment to the European Council on
Tolerance and Reconciliation might give the impression that it is a dispassionate
intergovernmental body yet the ECTR is an initiative of the Zionist tycoon
Moshe Kantor who is the president of the European Jewish Congress and claims to
represent 2.5 million Jews. Many will marvel at Blair's audacity and duplicity.
Blair's shameless self-promotion know no bounds.
Kantorhas argued that Jewish-only settlements in the
occupied West Bank facilitates the “positive interaction” between Israelis and
Palestinians. More than half a million Israelis live in over 120 illegal
settlements across the occupied territories of West Bank and East al-Quds (Jerusalem).
Kantor even has a center named after him in Tel Aviv University. Kantor lends
credence to the fallacy that Israeli policies enjoys a universal blessing from all
Jews. Israel itself brazenly prostitutes and exploits religion in the service
of an extremist ideology - Zionism, to justify state terrorism, war, and the
occupation of Palestinian land and resources, on a massive scale.
ECTR It publishes annual reports that supposedly gives an
objective overview of anti-Semitism around the world. According to the latest
such report, Israeli soldiers were blamed for “every evil on earth” at
demonstrations sparked by Israel’s 2014 bombing of Gaza. Such is the hyperbole
it uses.
Friday, June 05, 2015
Do Not Be Silent
Myanmar, without any challenge from opposition leader and
Nobel Peace Prize winner, Aung San Suu Kyi, has institutionalized
discrimination against the Rohingya, allowed hate speech to flourish,
encouraged islamophobia and granted impunity to perpetrators of the violence. As
the desperate plight of the Rohingya, stranded on the boats in the Andeman Sea,
is broadcast around the world, questions are now being asked as to why Aung San
Suu Kyi has remained so conspicuously silent.
In October 2013, in an interview with Mishal Husein, Aung
San Suu Kyi claimed that the 2012 violence was not ethnic cleansing but the
product of ‘fear on both sides… it is not just on the part of Muslims but the
Buddhists too. Muslims have been targeted but also Buddhists have been subject
to violence’. She too uses the description ‘Bengali’ to define the Rohingya.
Aung San Suu Kyi is an ambitious politician. The entire
Rohingya population has been disenfranchised and thus they hold no electoral
power. To speak out against the genocidal persecution of the Rohingya is likely
to lose her votes.
Wednesday, June 03, 2015
Indigenous Suicides
Material World: Indigenous Suicides
By Alan Johnstone
02 June, 2015
It is estimated that there are 250 million people living in 5000 to 6000 distinct groups in more than 70 countries. While it may be true that indigenous peoples share a close attachment to their land, commonly lack statehood, are subject to economic and political marginalisation, and are the objects of cultural and ethnic discrimination, they exhibit wide diversity in lifestyles, cultures, social organisation, histories, and political realities. The most important factor in the history of indigenous peoples has been the European economic expansion that began a little more than 500 hundred years ago and continues to the present day. Whenever they have come into contact with more powerful nations, indigenous peoples have been pushed aside and forced to give up their traditional lands. The legacy of violence against indigenous peoples is appalling. All over the world they have been terrorised, abused and exterminated. While the mass killings of indigenous peoples have been reduced in scale over the last 500 years, they have never stopped. Indigenous peoples are among the poorest of the poor. Their living conditions are abysmal, they receive less education, they work more and earn less, and their overall health is poorer than non-indigenous populations. Given the trauma that indigenous peoples have experienced, and to which they continue to be subjected, they suffer from high rates of psychological and behavioral problems.
Throughout the world indigenous peoples suffer from high rates of alcoholism and suicide. Relocation, epidemics, depopulation, and subjugation have put indigenous peoples everywhere at high risk of depression and anxiety. Every culture provides ways by which individuals may satisfy their needs for meaning, prestige, and status. Small-scale, hunter-gatherer societies provide several: excellence in hunting, storytelling, or as a healer. Whatever its size, complexity or environment, a central task of any culture is to provide its members with a sense of belonging and purpose. What happens, then, when a people's way of life is destroyed through disease, genocide, loss of territory, and repression of language and culture? It leads to self-destruction. James Anaya, former United Nations special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples said suicides among indigenous youth, across the globe, are common in situations where tribe members have seen the upheaval of their culture, which produces in the indigenous a lack of self-confidence and grounding about who they are. ‘They see taking their own lives as unfortunately and sadly an option,’ he said.
In the United States, suicide is the second leading cause of death for American Indian and Alaska Native men ages 15 to 34, and is two and a half times higher than the national average for that age group. 75 percent of Native American men and one third of Native American women can be classified as alcoholics or alcohol abusers. These numbers are amazing, and do not even accurately reflect the far-reaching effects of alcohol abuse, such as physical problems, mental illness, community violence, unemployment, and domestic abuse. Indians die from alcohol-related causes at a rate four times higher than the rest of United States citizens. In fact, four of the top ten causes of death among Indians are alcohol related.
Australian Aboriginal people commit suicide at a far younger age than non-Aboriginal Australians, with reports of prepubescent children, some as young as eight committing suicide. Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men ages 25 to 29 have a suicide rate four times higher than the general population in that same age group in Australia.
Among the indigenous peoples in Brazil, the suicide rate was six times higher than the national average in 2013. In the Guaraní tribe, Brazil’s largest, the rate is estimated at more than twice as high as the indigenous rate over all, the study said. In fact it may be even higher. The Guaraní have long made their home in the fertile land of Brazil’s southwest, where swaths of vast forests and savannas have been transformed into farms and ranches. In the process, the tribe has been dispossessed and uprooted from its traditional way of life. Many in the tribe face extreme discrimination and live in abject poverty close to the farmers and ranchers who occupy land that was once theirs. ‘Living in this non-place, they commit suicide,’ said Professor Alcantara, an anthropologist at the University of São Paulo who has studied adolescent suicides among the Guaraní. Nearly 100 years ago, the Guaraní, who today live primarily in Brazil and Paraguay, were forced off their ancestral land when the Brazilian government granted farmers and ranchers the legal title to that land. Tribe members were placed in crowded reservations, and often separated from family members. Distress, poverty and violence against tribal leaders have led to despair among Guaraní teenagers, who feel they don’t have a future. Professor Alcantara said that over the past 10 years tribe members have come to live between two cultures — the culture of nearby cities, where they are discriminated against, and the culture of their own tribe. Young tribe members, in particular, feel that they don’t belong either to the city or to the tribe, she said.
Professor Colin Tatz of the Australian National University suggests that when you are engaged in a struggle, a struggle to survive, suicide rates are very low. In apartheid South Africa there were few suicides among blacks. When people are involved in a struggle there is a reason to exist. Of course there are other contributing causes to those high suicide rates, such as the endless cycle of death and grief within Aboriginal communities that Aboriginal kids know what death is a lot earlier than any of us and this affects children profoundly, professor Tatz explained. When they have become normalised to deaths of ‘non-natural’ causes, suicide at moments of distress becomes a normal response. ‘Since the 1960s, suicide has now become ritualised, patterned and institutionalised in Aboriginal communities,’ said Tatz.
Dr Norm Sheehan, from Swinburne University of Technology sees suicide as the direct result of colonialism:
‘Colonialism deprives the colonised of positive self-images and for me, that’s a crucial part of the Aboriginal experience. …cultural disconnection was a major cause of suicide especially amongst Aboriginal youth,’ Sheehan explained. ‘So you look at Aboriginal kids who are separated from their culture, who are called Aboriginal, treated as Aboriginals but have no understanding of what being Aboriginal is — it’s an incredible conflict to carry and there is no real cultural education happening. The knowledge of Aboriginal culture is very significant for Aboriginal communities as they take away the doubt and they bring a positive cultural perspective to people who have been deprived of that cultural perspective. Identity and selfhood are important for emotional well-being. Australia has historically denied these basic human needs to Aboriginal people. Aboriginal people were deprived of a true understanding of self because their biological make-up was seen as an impediment something that had to be erased. That’s a crime against humanity. But Aboriginal people have had to live with that legacy and develop a concept of self in a zone like that, so understanding what culture is in that context is almost impossible.’
Psychiatrist Professor Martin Graham from the University of Queensland, believes ‘ There is a deep sadness among Aboriginal peoples and that that translates to a sense of anomie perhaps. A kind of deep sense of sadness and boredom and dispiritedness relating to loss of land, loss of culture, loss of languages in some cases and a sense that none of it can be changed. So despite all of the government money going in, despite all of assistance that has been offered, despite a whole range of programs like the Life Promotion Program, for instance, this sense of deep despair remains and Norm [Sheehan] would track it back and say it’s probably related to a sense of distress at the genocide that was perpetuated by white Australians from 1788. That kind of makes sense to me but it kind of doesn’t make sense to me because if you believe another group is trying to kill you off surely what you do is fight that and try to stay alive and live longer than the bastards?’
But, the ‘refusal to die’ solution is something many governments will become wary of. In ‘Dying to Please You: Indigenous Suicide in Contemporary Canada’ by Roland Chrisjohn and co-authored with Shaunessy McKay and Andrea Smith we read:
‘We have no doubt that the most positive ANTI-SUICIDE program for Indigenous peoples that has been seen in Canada in the last few years is the Idle No More Movement, Indians behaving like Indians, which at the same time was perhaps the scariest thing seen by the government.’ The authors explain, ‘Suicidology has chosen to reformulate the question: ‘Why are Indians killing themselves at such high rates?’ as ‘What’s wrong with Indians that makes them want to kill themselves at such high rates?’… Models of Indian suicide are individualistic, relying on supposed internal characteristics instead of looking at…social, economic, and political forces impinging on Aboriginal Peoples…. We invite suicidologists to stop peering inwardly, start looking at the world around us, and see what’s happening to us all.’
Historians and politicians should stop boasting about progress and civilisation of capitalism until they understand the brutality and falsehood it brought yet while we call for a new understanding, it’s more important to advocate social change to make real change.
An abridged version of the above was published in the June issue of the Socialist Standard
Alan Johnstone is a member of the Socialist Party of Great Britain, a companion party of the World Socialist Movement - He contributes to the blogs Socialism or Your Money Back
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